platformers PlayStation 1 Games
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September 1, 1995
A colourful platformer, which gave rise to the popular series with Rayman in the lead role. Our friendly hero sets out to help the inhabitants of the Dreamland, imprisoned by the insidious Mr. Darek. In order to defeat him, he has to travel through six different and dangerous worlds.
Heart of Darkness
July 4, 1998
A climatic platform game featuring logical puzzles, developed by the French Amazing Studio led by Eric Chahi - the creator of Another World. In Heart of Darkness, we play as a boy named Andy, whose dog Whisky is kidnapped by Forces of Darkness during an eclipse. Despite the dangers, the protagonist sets out to rescue his pet, equipped with self-made plasma weapon and vehicle. In terms of game mechanics, the title is a classic platform game, with the hero jumping, running, swimming and – naturally – fighting various enemies: from spiders, worms, and shadows, up to the Lord of Darkness himself. But Andy won’t be alone during his journey, as he can rely on the assistance of the strange flying creatures, which resisted the darkness. Another ally of our hero is magical energy, which allows him to use nearby trees in different ways.
Disney's Aladdin in Nasira's Revenge
December 1, 2000
Alladyn Zemsta Nazira is a three-dimensional platformer based on the license of a popular series of animated films. Players take on the role of Alladin, whose friends were kidnapped by the cunning Nazira. In order to save Princess Jasmina and Sultan, the protagonist must work for a witch trying to resurrect his brother, the sorcerer Jafar.
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
September 18, 1997
A two-dimensional platform game with traits of an adventure game and a stealth game. The title, developed by Oddworld Inhabitants, takes place in an unknown planet inhabited by the race of Mudokons. The main protagonist of the game, Abe, is a Mudokon as well. The race is being abused by evil Glukkons, who force them to slave labor in a mine. When the protagonist discovers the new plans of the “master race” (they want to process Mudokons into tasty food), he decides to escape and save his friends from the danger. In Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee the player is jumping between platforms, sneaking up behind the backs of their opponents and solving various environmental riddles. During the game the protagonist can also give orders to other Mudokons. Since the protagonist has no health bar or energy, a single enemy hit is enough to kill him – in that case Abe respawns at the beginning of the level. The title lacks any interface – all information is presented in the level or on special tutorial screens.
September 4, 1998
Side-scroll platformer, in which the player takes on the role of a boy with pink hair, trying to catch the bad guinea pigs. These stole the hero's grandfather's bracelet and contaminated the protagonist's idyllic house. The main character can jump, grab and throw objects. Although Tombi only moves in two dimensions for most of the time, at certain moments he is able to change the plane and, for example, move deep into the screen.
December 18, 1995
Classic side-scroll platformer, in which we play the role of a nice lizard from the family of geckons. Our hero is dragged into the TV by the sinister Reza, who has captured the media world and wants to gain power over the world with his help. In order to break free from the trap, Gex has to travel through a variety of worlds inspired by different film genres.
Alfred Chicken
April 12, 2002
Refreshed version of Alfred Chicken from 1993, in which players play the role of the title rooster, setting off to rescue his kidnapped girlfriend - Floella. As we play, we navigate through a variety of locations, jumping across platforms and bypassing ubiquitous pitfalls, eliminating enemies we encounter and piercing balloons found along the way, allowing us to gain access to the next stages. Compared to the original, the production can boast a much more refined audiovisual layer and the presence of additional levels.
Silhouette Mirage
July 23, 1998
An action platform game developed by Treasure studio. Players take on the role of a girl named Shyna, and their task is to undo the effects of the tragic catastrophe that made life on Earth unrecognizable. A characteristic feature of Silhouette Mirage is the high level of difficulty.
Tombi! 2
December 31, 1999
Side-scroll platformer which is a continuation of Tombi! The player again plays the role of the title boy, who tries to find his lost girlfriend and once again deal with the evil pigs. The game consists mainly in performing more than hundreds of tasks commissioned by NPCs. The main character in the course of the game collects special outfits, which give him unique possibilities, such as gliding.
Jumping Flash!
October 29, 1995
The first ever three-dimensional platform game. The production allows the player to play the role of a mechanical rabbit, which tries to save the world by collecting special objects scattered over six worlds. The action of the game was shown from the perspective of the first person, and its protagonist was equipped with the ability to shoot enemies and perform double and triple jumps.