The next installment of the well-known sports series dedicated to the European Football Championship. Naturally, the creators, EA Sports Canada, purchased a license before starting work, so they were able to reproduce this prestigious event in great detail.
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UEFA Euro 2004 Description
The next installment of the well-known sports series dedicated to the European Football Championship. Naturally, the creators, EA Sports Canada-based, purchased the appropriate license before starting work, so they were able to reproduce this prestigious event in great detail and enable players to influence the fate of all the teams that took part in it.
In EURO 2004 the player can therefore take control of one of the 51 European teams and lead it first through the qualification, then the play-off phase to finally reach the final. In addition, the authors have also prepared the possibility to play a friendly match, so that you can check your opponents before the actual game or simply play freely, without the risk of falling out of the tournament, as is the case in the Championship.
As in every subsequent edition, the authors of EURO 2004 tried to improve the game, eliminate errors and refine the whole thing in every respect. Traditionally we have here better graphics than in UEFA Euro 2000, refined sound and, as always, an attempt to make the game even more realistic so that the situation on the virtual pitch resembles TV transmission (the game is based on the improved technology used in FIFA Football 2004). For this purpose, a new one, responsible for the morale of individual players, has been added to the already known injury system. If the team wins and performs well, the players are motivated and try to apply themselves to each match, so they play better. It's worse if a team loses all the time and for example loses the next points. Of course, the morale of specific players is influenced by different things and not everyone always reacts to the same situation in the same way.
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
UEFA Euro 2004 Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: EA Sports
Publisher: Electronic Arts Inc.
UEFA Euro 2004 System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: Pentium III 700 MHz, 256 MB RAM, graphic card 32 MB, 1 GB HDD