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press release luckie 21 September 2015, 14:34

FPP horror game Caffeine coming out in October

The first episode of FPP sci-fi adventure horror game Caffeine is coming out this October. The game runs on Unreal Engine 4, and you can download its demo to try it out before the release.

FPP horror game Caffeine coming out in October - picture #1
Enthusiasts of FPP adventure horror games really have no reason to complain these days.

First-person perspective adventure horror game Caffeine is releasing next month. The first of three episodes is coming some time in October. No doubt autumn is a good time for horror stories, especially with atmosphere inspired of such classic examples as Condemned, F.E.A.R., and Outlast. Caffeine features a science fiction vision of the world when humans, addicted to caffeine, start mining the precious stimulant from space (sic!). The game has you play as a young boy trapped on a seemingly abandoned space station, who has to learn what happened to the crew through exploration, reading notes, playing audio logs, etc.

Interestingly, Caffeine runs on Unreal Engine 4 and it is being developed by a one-man indie studio Incandescent Imaging. If you want to try out the game before buying, you can do so by downloading a demo from the official website or Steam. You can also check out this new gameplay video.

