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press release luckie 04 March 2016, 10:13

Myst’s spiritual successor coming out in June; Watch Obduction’s new trailer

Obduction's new trailer reveals that the game will launch in June 2016. The video also lets us take a peek into beautiful Unreal Engine 4-based locations in Myst dev's next adventure game.

The developer of the cult Myst series is getting ready for the release of their next project. Obduction’s latest trailer revealed the launch window for Cyan’s upcoming adventure game to be June 2016. Apart from providing this information, the video also shows off beautiful and diverse locations powered by Unreal Engine 4 – from places somewhat similar to Nevada’s deserts, through impressive rainforests and narrow mountain paths, to strange factories and futuristic vehicles.

Obduction is going to be a first-person adventure game emphasizing exploration and puzzle solving, aiming to resemble its predecessor – the Myst series. After finding a strange organic object out of this world, the game’s protagonist gets abducted and finds himself in an unknown place. The player’s role is to discover where exactly he was thrust into, and help him find his way home. In your journey you will meet other characters – both alien and human – played by real actors. Obduction will be available on PC and Mac.

