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press release luckie 18 August 2015, 09:29

Thief Gold HD Mod 1.0 Version Available

Thief Gold HD Mod was recently updated to version 1.0. The mod’s creators included better textures and visual effects to make the original Thief: The Dark Project look better.

As much as players loved it, there is no question that the original Thief: The Dark Project have aged a lot. This is why some fans created a mod that improves the game’s graphics – that may not be actual HD standard, but it’s sure better than the vanilla. Thief Gold HD Mod features higher resolution textures, better visual effects, Fog FX, etc. Obviously refreshed Thief requires more computing power than the original version, but that should not be a problem, provided you are not playing on a calculator. This project was first released back in 2013, but now it got a 1.0 version, which does make a difference – check out the image below.

Thief Gold HD Mod 1.0 Version Available - picture #1
Thief Gold HD Mod 0.9.3 vs. 1.0

If you are planning on getting back to Thief: The Dark Procjet any time soon or want to check out why people loved it so much back in the 1998, make sure to grab the HD mod. You can download it from this link:

  1. Thief: The Dark Project GAME MOD HD Texture Mod v.1.0 - Download
