Jack Black Demands GTA and Red Dead Redemption Adaptations. “I Can’t Believe They Haven’t Already Started Making Them”
Jack Black, the star of the film adaptations of Mario Super Bros. Movie and Borderlands, revealed what game adaptations should be made and what we can expect from his character in Borderlands, the upcoming Eli Roth's film.

The craze for adapting video games continues. We will soon get to watch the series Fallout from Amazon, and the second season of the well-received The Last of Us produced by HBO is already on the horizon. Meanwhile, Jack Black, who already has experience working on the set of game adaptations due to his participation in Mario Super Bros. Movie and the upcoming Borderlands, believes that there are still too few such projects.
In an interview with Total Film, the actor was asked which games, in his opinion, should be adapted for the screen. Black cited two highly recognized brands and expressed astonishment that no one had adapted them into movies yet.
I can't believe they haven't already started making a movie of any of the Rockstar Games - Grand Theft Auto, but especially Red Dead Redemption. Those things are already like movies, you know? I guess that's the thing. Some video games are already halfway there to telling those kind of stories, and there are some movies that are like video games.
Perhaps the filmmakers will take Black's words seriously and we will soon hear about new planned adaptations, possibly with the actor's involvement. Meanwhile, the spectacle Borderlands will hit the cinema screens later this year, featuring the aforementioned star. Jack Black voiced the robot Claptrap and describes his character as "an R-rated R2-D2."
He's a cool, fun, little turn, and another opportunity to bring a great video game to the silver screen. We're kind of in the middle of a video game movie renaissance right now, and I'm stoked to be a part of it.
Let's remind that in the upcoming film directed by Eli Roth, we will also see Kevin Hart and Cate Blanchett. The premiere of Borderlands will take place on August 9, 2024.