The Navidson Record Documentary Explained. Is it Real and Can You Watch it?
Does The Navidson Record documentary about the creepy house really exist? We explain what this is all about.

Many were interested in TikTok about a documentary called The Navidson Record, which was shared by Christie Bosch (everydaychristie) and has been watched by more than 1 million people. This documentary purports to tell the story of a family that has moved into a house with an interior that is larger than it looks from the outside. On top of that, the house is getting bigger all the time and doors appear inside leading to new rooms. The story is certainly intriguing and scary, but does such a documentary really exist?
No, The Navidson Record documentary isn’t real. Christie Bosch, by the way, clarified this in her second TikTok, explaining that she simply wanted to introduce people to House of Leaves. This is a metafictional novel by Mark Z. Danielewski, which focuses on a fictional documentary, The Navidson Record. The novel plays with reality, messes with people’s heads, and Bosch tried to do the same with her video, finding such a form most appropriate to present House of Leaves.
The trailer, which is shown behind her back in the video above, Bosch created with her partner, so it's not real. As of now, there are no plans for a film adaptation of the House of Leaves novel, although this horror story certainly deserves one, and who knows, maybe we'll get it in the future?
In the meantime, anyone intrigued by Bosch’s TikTok video can reach for Danielewski's 2000 debut novel.
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