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The Last of Us: Factions Cancelled; Naughty Dog Focuses on Single Player Games

Peter Doron, 15 December 2023, 03:51

It's happened. Naughty Dog has cancelledthe network project known as The Last of Us: Factions. The decision was made due to the team's desire to remain a single player game developer.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Novelties Inbound, Including Mission Replays and New Game Plus

Maciej Gaffke, 14 December 2023, 04:51

Insomniac Games is preparing a welcome update to Marvel's Spider-Man 2. The next patch will provide players with the changes they have been demanding from the developers.

New Zelda Will Not Use Innovative Mechanic From Tears of the Kingdom

Adrian Werner, 12 December 2023, 15:25

Tears of the Kingdom closed this chapter of The Legend of Zelda series. The next installment will be something completely new.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Producer Hit by Ransomware Attack; Hackers Stole Materials From Wolverine

Kamil Kleszyk, 12 December 2023, 07:42

A group of hackers got hold of sensitive data on Insomniac Games employees and information about Marvel's Wolverine they are developing.

God of War Ragnarok Valhalla DLC Launches; Kratos on Philosphical Journeys

Maciej Gaffke, 12 December 2023, 07:09

Fans of Kratos will begin their adventure in the God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla DLC today. The expansion was discussed by the developers in a dedicated video.

No Return Mode From The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered Got a Trailer

Wojciech Bilicki, 05 December 2023, 04:38

The developers showed off the roguelike gameplay mode from The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered in a new trailer. It promises to be a real survival challenge.

The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered on Early Visual Comparisons

Zuzanna Domeradzka, 20 November 2023, 05:23

How different will the upcoming remaster of The Last of Us Part II be from the original? The first visual comparisons have appeared online. It's hard to find differences in the appearance of the games.

New Rumors About Marvel's Wolverine on PS5 Indicate Longer Wait Time

Adrian Werner, 20 November 2023, 01:33

According to credible rumors, Insomniac Games will need more time than expected to complete Marvel's Wolverine.

The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered Officially Announced; Release Date, Price, Trailer

Adrian Werner, 19 November 2023, 10:16

The Last of Us: Part II Remastered has been announced. The project promises to be ambitious and will offer much more than just improved graphics.

The Last of Us 2 PS5 Announcement Inbound, Says Tom Henderson

Maciej Gaffke, 17 November 2023, 04:20

It is likely that Sony will soon announce the dedicated PlayStation 5 version of The Last of Us: Part II. One of the more trusted tipsters revealed this news online.

Super Mario RPG is Another Great Nintendo Switch Game This Year

Adam Adamczyk, 17 November 2023, 04:06

Super Mario RPG delights not only fans of the 1996 original. The game collects high marks in reviews, offering a whole host of advantages.

Sony's Patent Could Revolutionize the Way We Experience Gaming?

Hubert Sledziewski, 13 November 2023, 01:53

Sony has registered a patent that is expected to revolutionize the way we experience video games. At least in theory, since the solution behind it has long existed in various forms.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Took Just 11 Days to Sell 5 Million Copies

Kamil Kleszyk, 09 November 2023, 04:08

Millions of gamers thirsty for the new adventures of Peter Parker and Miles Morales eagerly went to the stores to purchase their copy of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 for PlayStation 5.

FromSoftware Said to be Developing a PS5 Exclusive; Bloodborne Fans Hold Breath

Krzysztof Kaluzinski, 05 November 2023, 11:01

According to rumors, FromSoftware may be working on a PlayStation 5 exclusive - fans hope it will be a sequel or a new version of Bloodborne. Especially that the reports are accompanied by a rumor of movie adaptation.

Naughty Dog's Director Assures The Last of Us Multiplayer is Still in Development

Adrian Werner, 05 November 2023, 10:55

Contrary to rumors from last month, Naughty Dog has not abandoned the so-called The Last of Us: Factions. The multiplayer spin-off of the popular series is still in development.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Criticize for Length; Insomniac Responds

Maciej Gaffke, 25 October 2023, 05:50

Not all gamers are happy with the length of the new Spider-Man. Insomniac Games decided to comment on this criticism in a recent interview with the BBC.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is Sony's New Fastest-selling Game

Zuzanna Domeradzka, 23 October 2023, 13:29

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has taken over the title of the fastest-selling PlayStation Studios game from in the history of the platform. Sony shared the results.

Has Insomniac Games Overpraised Spider-Man 2? Players Report Issues

Marcin Przala, 22 October 2023, 15:46

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is an excellent game, but it is not free of bugs. Especially big problems are reported by owners of physical copies of the game, who can not install Insomniac Games' title.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Launches Today; Last Big PS5 Exclusive of 2023

Kamil Kleszyk, 20 October 2023, 03:23

The long-awaited release of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has finally arrived. The game has already won critical acclaim. Will it be the same for gamers?

Super Mario Bros. Wonder, One of the Best-rated Games of 2023 Launches

Christian Pieniazek, 20 October 2023, 01:49

Super Mario Bros. Wonder is one of the highest-rated games of the year. The platformer starring the mustachioed plumber brothers and their friends launches today on the Nintendo Switch console.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder Takes a Page From Dark Souls Book

Jacob Blazewicz, 19 October 2023, 05:39

The developers of Super Mario Bros. Wonder wanted to enable the players to make casual connections. That's why they used a trick you may be familiar with from Dark Souls.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 With Day One Patch Despite Not Needing It [Update: New Game Plus]

Kamil Kleszyk, 19 October 2023, 02:03

Insomniac Games promises that Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a highly polished game. Nevertheless, a day one patch will await players, which will further enhance the experience.

Spider-Man 2 Beaten by New Nintendo Exclusive; Super Mario Bros. Wonder With Superb Ratings

Marcin Przala, 18 October 2023, 14:53

Super Mario Bros. Wonder is getting fantastic marks in reviews. The exclusive title from Nintendo managed to beat even the score of Spider-Man 2.

Spider-Man 2 PS5 Reviews Suggest Sony Got Another Great Exclusive

Zuzanna Domeradzka, 16 October 2023, 12:11

Numerous reviews of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 have already hit the web, with the game featuring the two spider heroes receiving very high marks from critics.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 in Action-packed Launch Trailer

Christian Pieniazek, 16 October 2023, 00:51

Four days before the debut of Marvel's Spider-Man 2, the game's launch trailer has seen the light of day. The footage enables us to see what challenges Peter Parker and Miles Morales will face this time.

The Last of Us 2 Remastered Approaching? Naughty Dog's Associate May Have Spilled the Beans

Hubert Sledziewski, 07 October 2023, 01:18

We have further reason to believe that Sony is working on a remaster of The Last of Us 2. The implication is that it would be released on PS5 and PC and would be a director's cut version of the game.

Spider-Man 2 for PS5 Review Embargo Lift Date

Hubert Sledziewski, 28 September 2023, 21:05

We know when the first reviews of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will appear, enabling you to decide whether to buy the game before its release on PS5.

Horizon Forbidden West PC is Near, Says Trusted Source [Update]

Marcin Przala, 27 September 2023, 12:28

Verified tipster billbil-kun has revealed that the PC port of Horizon: Forbidden West should be released soon.

Story-driven Single Player Games to Remain a Cornerstone for Sony, Says Jim Ryan

Marcin Przala, 25 September 2023, 11:26

During last year's undisclosed investor call, PlayStation's chief executive Jim Ryan was said to have admitted that exclusive games with an emphasis on story remain a priority for Sony, despite its heavily developed live-service game segment.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Ready for Release

Christian Pieniazek, 21 September 2023, 13:40

Marvel's Spider-Man 2, potentially this year's biggest PlayStation 5 hit, has gone gold. This means that the game is now ready for release.

The Elder Scrolls 6 Not Coming to PlayStation; Microsoft's Documents Show

Adam Celarek, 19 September 2023, 10:29

The future of The Elder Scrolls series on Sony consoles has become uncertain. The latest indications strongly suggest that it will be tied exclusively to Microsoft platforms.

Press Played Marvel's Spider-Man 2; More Gameplay Available

Agnes Adamus, 17 September 2023, 21:56

Gameplay videos from Marvel's Spider-Man 2 have appeared on the Internet, with journalists who have had the opportunity to test the title expressing very positive opinions.

Beautiful Marvel's Spider-Man 2 on New Gameplay Footage

Hubert Sledziewski, 14 September 2023, 23:44

Sony has presented a new gameplay trailer for Marvel's Spider-Man 2. It takes a closer look at „Marvel's” New York City and the various gameplay elements.

Zelda Devs on Possible Expansion; Surprising Response

Hubert Sledziewski, 06 September 2023, 17:18

Nintendo has confirmed that The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom will not receive any expansions. A sequel, however, is not out of the question.

Spider-Man 2 on PS5 With Tons of Accessibility Options

Kamil Kleszyk, 16 August 2023, 12:28

Insomniac Games has made sure that Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will appeal to as many PlayStation 5 owners as possible.

Microsoft's 10-year-old Exclusive Will Soon Experience a Second Youth

Maciej Gaffke, 07 August 2023, 12:17

The developers of Killer Instinct have announced that they will provide an update for Xbox Series X/S consoles to mark the game's 10th anniversary. For now, it has not been revealed when players will receive the new update.

Latest Zelda With Impressive Sales Results

Christian Pieniazek, 03 August 2023, 14:26

It was already clear when The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom was announced that Link's new adventure would be a hit. Promptly, its impressive sales results, released by Nintendo, are no surprise.

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart PC Launch [Update]

Adrian Werner, 26 July 2023, 17:20

In just a few hours, the PC version of Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, the exquisite 3D platformer from Insomniac Games, will be released.

Venom Heralds World Healing in New Trailer for Marvel's Spider-Man 2 [Update]

Kamil Kleszyk, 26 July 2023, 10:37

Insomniac Games and Sony are heating up the atmosphere ahead of the release of Marvel's Spider-Man 2. In addition to a spectacular new trailer, a special PS5 console edition has been prepared for the fans.

Sony Paid Studios to Discriminate Xbox - Official Confirmation

Maciej Gaffke, 21 July 2023, 16:51

The justification released by the court noted that Sony paid studios to skip or deliberately delay the release of games for Microsoft's consoles.

Final Fantasy XVI Sales Disappointed Square Enix? Company Debunks Rumors

Zuzanna Domeradzka, 21 July 2023, 15:26

How did the latest game from Square Enix, Final Fantasy XVI, sell, and is the company satisfied with the results? The publisher has debunked rumors that also this title has disappointed, like many others in its output.

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart System Requirements on PC Not as Scary as You Might Think [Update]

Kamil Kleszyk, 18 July 2023, 16:40

Less than two weeks separate us from the release of Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart on PC. In the meantime, impatient gamers can take a look at the game's system requirements. These, surprisingly, look quite pleasant.

Horizon is Just Getting Started; Devs Have as Many as 16 Ideas for Its Development

Kamil Kleszyk, 13 July 2023, 14:39

The director of Guerrilla Games has revealed that the studio has very ambitious plans for the development of the Horizon brand. As many as 16 mysterious projects set in a world overrun by mechanical beasts are planned.

Sony Wants More PS5 Exclusives; South Korean Devs are to Help

Maciej Gaffke, 05 July 2023, 13:39

Sony may currently be in talks with several South Korean studios. The Japanese giant wants to deliver more exclusive games, and it is Asian developers that are supposed to help.

Check Out Long Gameplay From Pikmin 4, Nintendo's Holiday Hit

Adrian Werner, 02 July 2023, 21:57

Extensive gameplay from Pikmin 4, the next installment of Nintendo's strategy game series, has hit the web.

Exclusivity Doesn't Bother Final Fantasy XVI - It's Selling Brilliantly

Marcin Przala, 28 June 2023, 20:09

The sixteenth installment of the Final Fantasy series is selling like hot cakes, and this despite the title's temporary exclusivity for PlayStation 5 consoles.

Jim Ryan on Starfield's Exclusivity: 'I Don't Like It, but have No Quarrel With It'

Hubert Sledziewski, 27 June 2023, 23:00

Sony CEO Jim Ryan „has no quarrel” with Starfield's console exclusivity. What's more, he doesn't see it as anti-competitive.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 is About 'Accurate Flight Operations' Not Game-like Missions

Zuzanna Domeradzka, 26 June 2023, 15:04

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 will not be a video game with typical missions. The developers shared information about the game at the FlightSimExpo show.

Boss Fights in Final Fantasy XVI Make Players Fear for Their PS5s

Kamil Kleszyk, 25 June 2023, 23:44

Final Fantasy XVI may be one of the hottest titles this year. It is not only about the great quality of the gameplay, but also about the problem of PlayStation 5 consoles overheating.

Microsoft Bought Bethesda Because it Feared Starfield Would be a PS5 Exclusive

Adrian Werner, 25 June 2023, 22:36

During a hearing in the US, Microsoft's Phil Spencer said that the company acquired Bethesda Softworks (and ZeniMax Media as a whole), among other things, because it was concerned that Sony would buy temporary exclusivity on Starfield.