Through Mud and Bloods | Walkthrough
In the first available story you will fight by using the British tank Mark V - a panzer beast. You will have four missions to complete here - in two of them you fight in a tank and in two you act as infantry.
Over the Top
Your task in the first mission is simple - move the rope as far forward as possible while taking over the points.

If possible, avoid driving through the mud because it slows down the tank, making it an easy target for the cannons. You can use machine gun to eliminate the infantry. Two bullets are enough to eliminate a regular soldier. Don't shoot with constant fire because you will overheat the weapon.

Watch out for the cannons placed around. They are your greatest threat in this part of the mission. Destroy them with your cannon. Eliminate them slowly, don't rush yourself because otherwise you might suddenly have to face too much of them at once.

In the bottom right corner you can check how much your tank is damaged. If you lose more than 20 points of damage, repair yourself. In order to do it, hold the repair button. You must do it in safe location because each time you are hit the repairs are stopped. First destroy all cannons and then start repairing the vehicle. If you have trouble, you can leave the tank and use the key to fix it. It is faster but more risky.

Further in the mission you must keep fighting the enemy infantry and cannons. At some point a new enemy will appear - the artillery weapons. They will be marked on the map with red points. You must reach and destroy them.

In the last part of the mission you must drive through the bridge and mud. The tank will be blocked and after a short cutscene you will control a pigeon. You don't have to do anything special - just fly in the direction in which it was turned when you assumed control of the animal.
Fog of War

In the second mission you must act on foot, but with the help of the tank. Go as first, but don't get away from the tank. If you see the enemies, wait until the vehicle is close and open the fire only after that.

In the tents you can find weapon, grenades and equipment. Walk towards one of the chests and press the interaction button. If you want to change the weapon, hold the reload button.

Remember to fix the tank after each fight. During the combat you can use it as cover from the enemies. However, control the situation behind you - there will be some opponents there as well.

Before the next part of the mission you must find rocket launcher and the Tankgewehr M1918 rifle in the equipment tent. They will be needed for this phase of the mission.

If you use all rockets, throw a grenade at the tank. If this won't help, then try to reach the building. In one of the chests you will find armor-piercing weapon.

Once you take care of all the tanks and the infantry, go back to the tank.
In the third mission you must enter the village and find the engine from the tanks.

When you hold the enemy marking button, you are looking through the binoculars. This enables you to mark the enemies from safe distance. When a yellow square appears above the enemy, it means that he can hear you. You can lure an enemy to you by throwing a shell.
You can complete this mission in two ways - silently or by fighting. The first way is about splitting the soldiers and killing them with a knife or a silenced weapon. If you move while crouching, the enemies won't hear you. You will find a sniper rifle with a suppressor in the mill at the start of the mission. M1911 with a suppressor can be found in weapons chest in the building near the first engine. These items are required to complete the mission silently. Aim at the head because after shooting the body of a soldier will allow him to alarm his allies.

You can also play openly and simply fight the enemies. It is a faster way if you feel like a good player. Watch out for the enemies who have a burning symbol after marking them. It means that they have a flame thrower.

In the areas marked with circles on the map there are tank engines. You must find each of them and take the sparkplug from them. Once the objective is complete, go back to the tank.
Steel on Steel

You will spend the last mission of this part in a tank. You must once again drive through the village. This time the enemies are using grenades, which mean they are a threat to you. You should keep them at distance.

Once at the end of the village, position yourself in such way that you will have some cover - a few hostile tanks will drive from behind the hill. If needed, hide and repair your vehicle.

In the city you can be aggressive until the enemy tank columns will start coming from far away. Once that happens, you should retreat and attack them one after another from a passive position. If you are shooting from distance, remember to take the trajectory into consideration - you must aim above the hostile tank.

Use the buildings as shields. Lean out, shoot and immediately hide behind cover. If you are hit, fix your machine.
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