Bongfish Interactive Entertainment

Bongfish Interactive Entertainment is a developer and publisher.

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Bongfish Interactive Entertainment is a developer of video games. Bongfish Interactive Entertainment has been active on the market since before 2006. One of its first projects was game Stoked Rider featuring Tommy Brunner. The developer's most recent work is Calibre 10 Racing Series; company is releasing this game in-house. The developer's most recent work is Calibre 10 Racing Series; company is releasing this game in-house. Production release will occur in the near future; exact date not yet known.

Games in Development

List of all games in development by Bongfish Interactive Entertainment.

Calibre 10 Racing Series - TBA - PC, XONE

Developed Games

List of all released games developed by Bongfish Interactive Entertainment.

Red Bull Crashed Ice Kinect - November 30, 2012 - X360

Avatar Motocross Madness - July 15, 2012 - X360

Harms Way - December 9, 2010 - X360

Stoked: Big Air Edition - November 17, 2009 - X360, PC

Stoked - February 24, 2009 - X360

Stoked Rider: Alaska Alien - December 14, 2006 - PC

Stoked Rider featuring Tommy Brunner - March 29, 2006 - PC

Upcoming Games

List of all upcoming games that will be published by Bongfish Interactive Entertainment.

Calibre 10 Racing Series - TBA - PC, XONE

Released Games

List of all released games published by Bongfish Interactive Entertainment.

Stoked Rider: Alaska Alien - December 14, 2006 - PC