Pivotal Games

Pivotal Games is a developer.

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Pivotal Games is a developer of video games. Pivotal Games has been active on the market since before 2002. One of its first projects was game Conflict: Desert Storm. In publishing its games, Pivotal Games collaborates with Square Enix. The developer's most recent work is Conflict: Denied Ops. The developer's most recent work is Conflict: Denied Ops. Production release occurred on 08 February 2008.

Most Popular Games Developed by Pivotal Games

Conflict: Desert Storm

Action - September 13, 2002

PC / Windows PlayStation 2 Xbox GameCube
Conflict: Desert Storm

Conflict: Vietnam

Action - September 3, 2004

PC / Windows PlayStation 2 Xbox
Conflict: Vietnam

Conflict: Denied Ops

Action - February 8, 2008

PC / Windows PlayStation 2 Xbox
Conflict: Denied Ops

Conflict: Desert Storm II - Back to Baghdad

Action - October 8, 2003

PC / Windows PlayStation 2 Xbox GameCube
Conflict: Desert Storm II - Back to Baghdad

The Great Escape

Adventure - July 23, 2003

PC / Windows PlayStation 2 Xbox
The Great Escape

Conflict: Global Terror

Action - September 30, 2005

PC / Windows PlayStation 2 Xbox
Conflict: Global Terror

Developed Games

List of all released games developed by Pivotal Games.

Conflict: Denied Ops - February 8, 2008 - PC, X360, PS3

Conflict: Global Terror - September 30, 2005 - PS2, XBOX, PC

Conflict: Vietnam - September 3, 2004 - PC, PS2, XBOX

Conflict: Desert Storm II - Back to Baghdad - October 8, 2003 - PC, GCN, PS2, XBOX

The Great Escape - July 23, 2003 - PC, PS2, XBOX

Conflict: Desert Storm - September 13, 2002 - PC, PS2, XBOX, GCN