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Eye of the Beholder - All Seeing Eye v.1.10 - Game mod - Download

The file All Seeing Eye v.1.10 is a modification for Eye of the Beholder, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.

file typeGame mod

file size693.4 KB


(last 7 days)4

last updateWednesday, October 30, 2019

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All Seeing Eye is a tool for Eye of the Beholder, created by Zorbus. If you enjoy this project please consider supporting Zorbus through PayPal.

Description (in author’s own words):

The Eye of the Beholder - games are AD&D-rulesystem based dungeon crawlers released in the 1990s by SSI. They draw huge incluence from Dungeon Master, a game amazingly released already in 1987. The first two EOB-games were developed by Westwood Studios but the third one, universally considered bad, was developed internally by SSI.

Games from the 80s and 90s generally didn't have an automap but assumed players drawing their own maps. With Dungeon Master and its clones, mapping could be tricky with teleporters and changing dungeon layouts.

The All-Seeing Eye is an automapper for the PC MS-DOS versions of the first two EOB games, meant to be used with DOSBox on a Windows PC. It shows a real-time updated dungeon map on a separate window. The map is revealed as you explore.

FEATURES - "Gonna party like it's 1991"

Real-time automapping meaning that if you open a door or press a button to reveal a secret area, the map changes correctly. The map window can be resized and docked around DOSBox or moved freely.

Monsters and items can be displayed on the map.

Official clue book solutions can be shown on the map.

Backup save game. In EOB 1, there's only one save game slot. You can use All-Seeing Eye to make backups of the save files.

Explore whole level. You can reveal the whole map.

Teleporting. You can teleport around the map.

Character editor with spellbook and inventory editing.

You can identify all items in the game.

You can optionally tweak item usability so that every item is usable by every class and only requires one hand to use. So you could use a bow with your back row cleric and so on.

EOB with an automapper is of course a completely different game. I remember playing EOB 1 first time in the 90s and especially in the drow levels felt completely lost after going up and down between the levels looking for yet another key. If you haven't played these games previously and don't use any maps or clue books, they will take quite a lot of time and you won't discover all their secrets first time playing them.

Using automap might even feel cheesy for veteran players. But maybe it's justified if you're spoiled by newer games or just don't have that much time anymore to spend on a one single game. Automapping and the other debugging features can be fun for so-called completionist gamers or useful if someone is planning to remake these games on a modern game engine.

For Instructions consult the included readme file.

  • Last update: Wednesday, October 30, 2019
  • Genre: RPG
  • File size: 693.4 KB

Files for Eye of the Beholder






7 days

Eye of the Beholder - All Seeing Eye v.1.10 mod 693.4 KB 10/30/2019 3.1K 4
Eye of the Beholder - Unofficial Eye of the Beholder Patch v.1.9 mod 1.8 MB 11/1/2019 1.2K 1