Amnesia: The Dark Descent - Amnesia: The Darkest Descent v.5 - Game mod - Download
The file Amnesia: The Darkest Descent v.5 is a modification for Amnesia: The Dark Descent, a(n) adventure game. Download for free.
File Type: Game mod
File Size: 115.4 MB
Last Update: Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Downloads: 190
Last 7 days: 0
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Amnesia: The Darkest Descent is a mod for Amnesia: The Dark Descent, created by XDJ5000.
This mod will change the already existing maps from the main story of Amnesia The Dark Descent as well as enemies(grunt, brute, suitor and waterlurker) without changing too much of the original concept built by the developers of the game; more precisely I made this mod in a way that it will not appear so intrusive, so you will still be able to enjoy the main story as if you have never installed this mod even when you keep it still installed. So if you decide to keep this mod installed even after you completely explored it, will it influence also the custom stories installed? The answer is yes, it's inevitable, but it will only influence a custom story if that custom story uses some of the default game enemies, nothing else will be affected. The changes to the default enemies are minimal so who rarely played Amnesia probably won't notice any difference, but who played Amnesia a lot probably will notice a slight difference. Here there are the differences that you may notice: the grunt will have a moderately increased sight range(he can spot you from a farther distance), he will deal slightly more damage; the brute will have a slightly increased sight range, he will be slightly faster; the suitor will deal moderately less damage, he will be moderately faster; the water lurker will deal slightly more damage to the player.
The main feature of this mod is the addition of 3 new main modes to play: Easy Difficulty Mode, Tough Difficulty Mode(I called it this way to differentiate it from the already existing Hard Mode on Amnesia) and Funny Mode. On Easy Difficulty Mode you will find more goodies throughout the levels(more tinderboxes, more oil, more sanity potions etc), your lantern will consume oil more slowly, enemies will be slower, they will spot you less frequently, they will deal less damage and generally they won't stay around that long, there are less enemies encounters, some sections of the story will be a bit easier to be completed successfully. On Tough Difficulty Mode you will find less goodies throughout the levels, also most of them are well hidden, your lantern will consume oil more quickly, enemies will be faster, they will spot you more easily and more frequently, they will deal more damage and generally they will stay around for longer, some sections of the story will be a bit harder to be completed successfully. Funny Mode only alters the voices of the enemies and the music related to the enemies, it does not affect the difficulty of the game. Some maps will have thick fog(if you choose tough difficulty) or even no fog at all(if you choose easy difficulty).
To activate these 3 new modes you must press some little buttons that you can find in some of the levels, I made this buttons a bit small because I didn't want them to be too much intrusive to the original design of the level; every hub level will have 3 buttons to change the mode you are currently playing, whenever you will interact with one of the button you will read a message telling you in which mode you are currently playing, to disable all these 3 new modes and so to play the game normally you will have to interact with the buttons until you see the message: Normal Mode. If you never interact with these buttons you will play by default in Normal Mode so you may won't see big differences. Here there is a list of the levels that have these 3 new buttons available:
- Rainy Hall - At the end of the level before proceeding to the Old Archives go under the stairs in the same hall and you will find the 3 buttons on the floor
- Entrance Hall - When arriving from the Old Archives door just after entering inside the hall look to your right, the 3 buttons can be found on the floor near some broken stairs
- Back Hall - The 3 buttons are placed on the floor in a corner into the elevator room, when looking at the elevator go to the right corner close to one of the lions statues
- Cistern Entrance - There is a giant door which cannot be opened, there are a few stairs leading up to this giant door, you can find the 3 buttons on the floor under the stairs
- Nave - At the bottom of the big spiral staircase you will find the 3 buttons on the floor near a corner
Other than these 3 new modes there are some changes/fixes/additions to the scripts and to the maps structures, changes/additions to some goodies locations(there is a detailed excel file inside the zip that will tell you exactly the number of goodies per level) originally the amount of goodies to be found were 151 Tinderboxes 37 Oil Potions and 16 Laudanum Bottles, with this mod installed there will be also available Large Oil Potions and Sanity Potions and the amount of goodies to be found at normal difficulty will be 160 Tinderboxes 32 Oil Potions 4 Large Oil Potions 16 Laudanum Bottles and 8 Sanity Potions, so as you can see there is not a huge difference; changes/fixes/additions to some enemies encounters/behaviour, some new tracks that are Amnesia TDD themed they are all composed by Mikko Tarmia.
There are two available versions for this mod: one of them called '' includes a new theme song for the main menu, some of you may know it it's called 'Brennenburg Theme' by Mikko Tarmia, the other version called '' instead has the original main menu music for Amnesia.
There are also a few optional files for you to download, these files are not required to run the mod; here there are:
The Custom Config will bring these changes: run is disabled when there is a flashback active, slowed down the health regain speed, increased the health regain limit from 52(some cuts) to 75(all is good), slightly changed the screen color whenever the health is low, slightly reduced the distance at which you can interact with a door/use an item with an object/use a ladder, changed night vision color(cat vision whenever the player enters in a dark area) to be less purple and a bit darker, changed night vision range(from 6.5 meters to 5 meters), slightly increased the sanity regain speed, increased the sanity regain limit from 51(A slight headache) to 75(Crystal clear), slightly increased the minimum sanity gain whenever the player lights a lamp/light, slightly decreased lantern oil consumption speed, slightly decreased player crouch movement speed.
The Custom Lantern Light will change the light produced by the lantern to have a form similar to a cone instead of a sphere.
The Custom Sounds Volumes will slightly decrease the sanity drain volume(the sound that you hear constantly whenever the player is looking at an enemy or whenever the player is in a dark area) and it will also slightly decrease the terror meter sound volume(the sound that you hear constantly whenever an enemy spots the player/chases the player). I made these sounds volumes changes because I found these sounds to be too loud, also you will hear these sounds frequently while playing the game so it can be annoying to have these sounds too loud.
For installation Instructions consult the readme file.
- Last update: Wednesday, October 20, 2021
- Genre: Adventure
- File size: 115.4 MB