Dune 2000 - Changed Dune v.1.0.2 - Game mod - Download

The file Changed Dune v.1.0.2 is a modification for Dune 2000, a(n) strategy game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 86.1 KB

Last Update: Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Downloads: 11959

Last 7 days: 2

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Changed Dune is a mod for Dune 2000, created by MustaphaTR.


This mod introduces numerous balance changes:

Fremens has ordos light factory and they can make raider.

Atreides doesn't have trooper and quad.

Sonic Tanks can destroy itself, Deviators can capure buildings by entering it like engineer. Devestators are very powerful but they can't destroy itself and they doesn't have self-healing

Harkonnen doesn't have light inf. and trike.

Quad doesn't need upgrade, they have machine gun, they are a bir speedier and can crush enemy infantries.

Raider needs upgrade and they have rocets.

Harvaster has 80mm guns. (Same as Combat Tanks)

Raider can be purached at starpot and trike can't.

Siege Tanks can turn its barrel.

Grenadier, Thumper, Stealth Raider and MP Sardukar can be trained at missions.

Concretes and walls are cheaper.

Constraction Yards give more power.

Ordos can't train engineers.

Thumper infantry can only train by Atreides.

Carryalls are speedier and cheaper than normal.

Ornithopters and DHMB's are a bit more powerful.

Sonic Tanks are now worse against wooden armor.(Barracks, Hi-Tech Fac, Heavy Fac. IX Res. Center, Trike, Raiders, Missle Tank and Deviator)

Rafinery is needed for Harvaster like RA2.

Changed silos deathanim.

Emperor's Sardukars has framethowers and they can be purached from starport for Atreides and Ordos (Harkonnen's is MP Sardukar)

Barracks and Hi-Tech Fac.'s has different HP's like Combat Tanks.

Imperial CY and Heavy Fac. is stronger than others.

Ordos Rocet Turret is cheaper but its Build Time is Long.

Changed Gun Turrets Build Time and ROF.

Atreides and Harkonnen don't have Upgrade of Light Fac.

Ordos doesn't have Upgrade of Barracks.

Troopers and Raiders can attack air.

And mod contains some files for Ordos Mission 4. Because ordos need engineers for win this mission. Also some changes for 9v2 maps. And Also 2 new missions as H8v2 and A5v2.

To install

Extract into game’s folder and agree to overwrite.

  • Last update: Wednesday, September 25, 2019
  • Genre: Strategy
  • File size: 86.1 KB