Quest for Glory III: Wages of War - QFG3 Update (Fan Patch) v.1.3.1 - Game mod - Download

The file QFG3 Update (Fan Patch) v.1.3.1 is a modification for Quest for Glory III: Wages of War, a(n) adventure game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 520.3 KB

Last Update: Sunday, November 14, 2021

Downloads: 289

Last 7 days: 0

Report problems with download: [email protected]

QFG3 Update (Fan Patch) is a mod for  Quest for Glory III: Wages of War, created by AshLancer.


An unofficial update for Quest for Glory III: Wages of War that builds on Sierra's anthology release and NewRisingSun's speed fixes. Fixes crashes, lockups, dead ends, glitches, sprites/animations, sounds/music loops, and text. Restores cut content.


New Features:


- Every class can now reach 500 puzzle points, and Fighters who transition to Paladin via the ceremony can reach 550!

- You can now train Pick Locks on the chest in your room and hut.

- Every class that has skill in Pick Locks will now start with the Thief's Toolkit.

- Thieves and imported characters with points in thieving skills will now start with the Guild Card.

- You can now train Climbing on Manu's tree.

- Fighters and Paladins can now train Zap outside of combat.

- You can now train Open and Detect Magic on the Savannah or Jungle screens (where it won't cause you to lose honor). You can also train any spell in Kreesha's magic shop if you want.

- It's now easier to fail the requirements for becomming a Paladin and remain a Fighter for those who choose to do so.

- You can now modify your Honor stat with Uhura at the Simbani Village after the peace conference.

- You can now leave the Monkey Village before crossing the waterfall and go have random encounters. Manu will be waiting patiently for you to come back!

- The rooms with Reeshaka and the endgame have been enhanced. I'd prefer to keep these a secret... :3

- New ways to die! (see below)

- Wizards and Thieves will no longer have the opportunity to rescue the baby meerbat.

- The log will no longer spawn during the ring of thorns challenge if the player can get the ring.

- You must now learn about the Lost City from Manu before you can convince him to take you there.

- Fighters and Paladins will now gain points for creating a vine rope, rather than from using it to cross.

- Wizards must now tell Manu about the Levitate spell before they can ask for cooperation.

- Paladins are no longer forced to export with the Magic skill if they don't want it.


Patch Highlights:


- Fixed the game writing overflow errors to your .sav file when exporting your character.

- Fixed the infamous crash when Yesufu throws a spear at the twisted tree challenge during the initiation.

- Fixed the crash when the Guardian of the World Tree gets angry at you (CAUSED by NRS's fix btw =w=).

- Fixed the dead end encounter where the Awful Waffle Walker never spawns in the Jungle while you're starving.

- Fixed dead ends caused by encountering Johari again after already reaching the Leopardman Village.

- Fixed dead ends caused by imported Heroes changing their class, but never being granted points in their new class-specific skills.

- Fixed the dead end caused by eating the Venomous Vine Fruit.

- Fixed the music disappearing when releasing Johari from her cage.

- Fixed the annoying music loop glitch when you beat Yesufu at the spear throwing contest.

- Fixed the music not looping when you meet with the Leopardman Chief.

- Fixed the annoying pathing glitch at the top of the World Tree where clicking on the Guardian cave or the exit would send the Hero back inside.

- Fixed script errors where you couldn't talk to Uhura in your hut, and where she'd stop talking after asking about "Woo".

- Fixed a script error where Fighters and Paladins couldn't tell Rakeesh about the Initiation and missed out on 3 points.

- Fixed bugs and annoying sound loops during the Shaman duel.

- Fixed bugs and missing sounds when stealing the Drum of Magic and the Spear of Death.

- Fixes spellcasting issues for every single room in the game.

- Fixed multiple problems in the endgame scripts for each class.

- Fixed several lockups caused by faulty scripting.

- Fixed several faulty triggers.

- Fixed several incorrect sprites, offsets, animation cycles, and animation speeds.

- Fixed various background objects being deleted or hidden, not being defined, or not getting initialized at all.

- Fixed various sounds disappearing, endless sound loops, and missing sounds.

- Fixed missing messages, incorrect messages, missing dialogue, errors in dialogue trees, and a few typos.

- Fixed a couple of exploits when importing during character creation.

- Restored a cut event where you could meet and console Uhura at the Simbani Village after the peace conference.

- Restored a cut event where you could sleep at the Monkey Village.

- Restored several deaths and missing or unused death messages, specifically:

Steal from the Drummer too many times and get arrested

Anger the Guardian of the World Tree until it throws you out

Get killed by an Apeman on one of the Lost City screens

Get killed by the Demon in the Lost City

[Wizard] Cast Summon Staff and then Trigger to blow yourself up

[Thief] Wait for the leopard to finish eating and then let him jump up and kill you

[Thief] Cross the rope at the waterfall with low agility on Medium or High difficulty

Starve to death (new animation!)

- Restored the proper icon for Soulforge in your inventory.

- Restored the Guild Card item.

- Restored several unused sprites and animations.

- Restored several funny messages for clicking certain items on yourself.

- Restored a LOT of unused text.

- And over 200 other bug fixes and restorations!

*Note: A complete list of changes (for NERDS) has been included in the accompanying readme.


If you wish to create a backup before installing, please copy all numbered .scr, .hep, and .msg files in your QFG3 folder to a new directory.

Simply extract the contents of the zip into the same folder where you have QFG3 installed (ex. C:/Sierra/Quest for Glory Collection Series/Quest for Glory 3/) and overwrite all files when prompted. Enjoy!

To uninstall, just delete all of my patch files and restore the backup.

  • Last update: Sunday, November 14, 2021
  • Genre: Adventure
  • File size: 520.3 KB