The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth II – The Rise of the Witch-King - Bfme II & Rotwk Map Pack v.2021 - Game mod - Download
The file Bfme II & Rotwk Map Pack v.2021 is a modification for The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth II – The Rise of the Witch-King, a(n) strategy game. Download for free.
File Type: Game mod
File Size: 8.7 MB
Last Update: Tuesday, July 6, 2021
Downloads: 2030
Last 7 days: 3
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Bfme II & Rotwk Map Pack is a mod forThe Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth II – The Rise of the Witch-King, created by King-Arveleg
Description (in author’s own words)
Maps from Bfme2 and Rotwk campaign. Expanded and modified.
These aren't normal skirmish maps, and they aren't balanced. Player in fortress or city has many advantages. They're meant to enjoy those locations in Middle Earth.
Pack includes:
- Fornost capital of Arnor. (3 players)
- The fortress of Amon Sul. (2 players)
- Kingdom of Rhudaur.. (3 players)
- The North Downs. (3 players)
- The Shire. (3 players)
- Mirkwood from the Evil campaign. (2 players)
- Imladris or Rivendell. Well defended and with a large army. Best to play in the city.. (3 players)
- Grey Havens, added some walls and Elven buildings. (3 players)
- Epilogue, the last mission in Rotwk, also expanded map a bit. (2 players)
- Dol Guldur from the Good campaign. (4 players)
I recommend using Kingdom of Arnor mod in order to add Arnor as a playable faction in your game.
To install copy the files to: AppData/Roaming/My Lord of the Rings, The Rise of The Witch-King files/Maps
Have fun!
- Last update: Tuesday, July 6, 2021
- Genre: Strategy
- File size: 8.7 MB