A free spin-off of the cult shooter series for mobile devices. In Mighty Doom we once again play as Doom Slayer continuing his crusade against hellish demons. The game is dedicated mainly to casual players.
Videos and Screens
[0:34] Mighty Doom gameplay trailer #1
[1:48] Mighty Doom trailer #2
Mighty Doom Description
Mighty Doom is a mobile spin-off of the popular FPS series by studio id Software. The developer of the spin-off is Alpha Dog Games. The game was published by Bethesda, also responsible for the release of Doom and Doom Eternal.
Mighty Doom is deceptively similar to other mobile games such as Archero and Tomb Raider Reloaded. The game is a top-down shooter in which you control Doom Slayer and move through enemy-filled chambers. Control is assigned to a single knob at the bottom of the screen. When we stand still Slayer will automatically start shooting at the nearest enemy. Money, resources and experience fall out of enemies. After gaining enough experience, the player is promoted to a new level. The game then draws three skills, from which we can choose one. These are, for example, generating an explosion with every hit or shooting several bullets at once. These upgrades are not permanent and we lose them when we die or finish a chapter.
The spin-off includes two game mechanics to help it stand out from the crowd. The Slayer can take two weapons with him on each mission and can switch between them with a special button. We have at our disposal weapons known from previous installments of the series: a rocket launcher, a plasma rifle and a heavy cannon. Each weapon works differently and deals better with different demons. There are also returning glory kills. When we defeat an enemy, there is a chance that they will be stunned instead of dying. If you approach a stunned enemy, the Slayer will execute him. Glory kills are rewarded with extra health.
The rest of the gameplay is not significantly different from Archero. After completing a chapter, we unlock the next one, characterised by better rewards and a higher difficulty level. We can use the gained money and resources to improve our hero and his equipment. However, we are limited by the energy system and the need to open chests with better weapons. Progress in the game can be accelerated by paying with crystals, a premium currency available for purchase with real money.
Game modes
Mighty Doom is a single player game.
Technical aspects
Graphic design of Mighty Doom is simple, but pleasing to the eye. Compared to previous games, the mobile spin-off is much more colourful. The level of brutality has also been toned down, as it wouldn't fit in with the cartoonish style. The soundtrack is similar in vibe to the Doom Eternal score.
in Doom Game Series
Game Series
Doom Series
FPS series being one of the forerunners of the first-person shooter genre. The series was created by id Software studio and has, so to speak, three "fathers" - John Carmack, John Romero and Tom Hall. Nevertheless, over the years, teams such as Midway Games and Nerve Software have also been involved in its development. Although the series made its debut on personal computers, over time it began to make its presence increasingly clear also on consoles, as well as on mobile devices.
17 video games
Mighty Doom Summary
Early Access:April 7, 2021
Android OS March 21, 2023 August 7, 2024 (EOL)
Apple iOS March 21, 2023 August 7, 2024 (EOL)
Developer: Alpha Dog Games
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Age restrictions: 12+
Mighty Doom System Requirements
Android OS
Additional information: Internet connection is required.
Apple iOS
Additional information: Internet connection is required.

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March will see the official launch of Mighty Doom, an... F2P shooter that is a colorful mobile spin-off of the Doom series.
video games
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February 22, 2023