Silent Hill 3
Silent Hill 3 is the third installment of the survial-horror series produced by Konami. The main character is 17-year-old Heather, who unexpectedly finds herself in an alternative, nightmarish reality.
developer: Konami publisher: Konami Official website
Silent Hill 3 continues the series' trademark brand of psychological horror and terrifying gameplay. As a teenage girl named Heather, players must explore and unravel the mysterious connection between the god-forsaken town and her inner fears. With enhanced graphical detail, a more complex storyline, and even more grotesque monsters than the previous games, Silent Hill 3 promises to be the best horror adventure ever.
- An all-new horror adventure with a sophisticated storyline
- New monsters, items and weapons, including a submachine gun
- Incredible high-resolution graphics on the PlayStation 2
- The most terrifying Silent Hill game to date
Last updated on 14 December 2020
Game mode: single player
Media type: 1 DVD
User score: 8.4 / 10 based on 1960 votes.
PEGI rating Silent Hill 3