Geldern | Myrtana
Teach Mirzo a lesson
This quest is from Agenak the chief of the arena.
![]() | Mirzo is a Hashishin merchant who is insulting Agenak. You have to go to Mirza and beat him. But be careful and don't kill him. |
- Experience points: 1500
- Attributes: Strength +1
Bring Renwik the rare plant king's sorrel
Renwik gives this quest. You probably have a few plants in you inventory so give some to Renwik. There are a lot of king's sorrels growing near Geldern.
- Experience points: 1000
- Reputation: Geldern +2
Gembak wants to rough up Ivan the renegade mercenary
Gembak gives this quest (you can duel him in the arena).
![]() | Gembak is looking for a companion because he wants to kill a mercenary Ivan, hiding near Geldern. Agree to accompany Gembak and then the Orc leads you to Ivan's hideout. You have to kill Ivan and all bandits. |
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Geldern +2
Gunock the lazy Orc
This quest appears when you talk with Gunock about the druid hunting. The hunting party was to be led by Gunock, but he is lazy and stayed in Geldern. You can call him a lazybones and say that you are going to inform Grok, (but do than only after receiving all necessary information from Gunock). The conversation with Gunock ends with a brawl - it must be a lesson for the lazy Orc. Don't kill Gunock; just beat him, (but killing Gunock is needed to finish another quest).
- Experience points: 1500
Hamil the audacious artifact trader among the slaves
This quest appears during a conversation with Hamil.
![]() | You can find Hamil near the Geldern mine (it's one of the slaves). Talk to him until he confirms selling artifacts found in the mine. Then report that to Nemrok (you can buy something earlier). Then you have to find an alchemist working with Hamil (it's Peratur). |
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Geldern +4
Jared the artifact trader wants to meet Lares
Jared gives this quest.
![]() | A famous thief Lares, who appeared in Geldern, impresses Jared. You have to arrange a meeting between them. Lares is wandering nearby and because you know him, he agrees to visit Jared. |
- Experience points: 1000
- Reputation: Geldern +2
- Attributes: Thieving +1
Mobilize the people in Geldern for Torn's druid stone
It's quest from Torn the druid. You met him when completing missions from Trelis. You have to mobilize the people from Geldern to stand against the Orcs. You have to find Marius, former magician and now a cook in Geldern. He can help you but first you have to check if there is a golden chalice in Geldern's temple (a high reputation is required to enter the temple and to talk to Grok). People recommended by Marius can't help you anyway (these are Ivan's bandits) but quest is done.
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Rangers +15
Nemrok expects a delivery of sulphur from the mine
This quest is from Nemrok, who needs 30 pieces of sulphur. You should have some sulphur in the inventory and there are a lot of sulphur in the mine guarded by Sulfock (he gives you another quest, described later).
- Experience points: 2000
- Reputation: Geldern +6
Nemrok expects a delivery of gold from the mines
It's quest from Nemrok, who needs 40 pieces of gold ore. You visited so many mines so far that you should have it in your inventory. If you don't, take a walk around Geldern and visit the mines (you can find there an ore).
- Experience points: 2000
- Reputation: Geldern +6
Open up the mine north of Geldern and kill all vermin
Samuel gives you this quest.
![]() | ![]() |
Find the mine Samuel mentions, and kill all vermin (six minecrawlers) and get back with a report.
- Experience points: 1500
Follow the particular eager slave to the wolf mine
This is a part of the quest given by Nemrok. You have to find the Particular eager slave and ask him to lead you to the wolf mine. Kill all wolves you find there, and then order the slave to start mining. The slave can't die during the trip; so it's a good idea to clear the way first and then take the slave with you.
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Geldern +2
Defeat Dymitar in the arena
It's a conventional quest connected with a duel in the arena. Agenak is the chief of the arena in Geldern.
![]() | Defeat Dymitar. The rules are the same as ever. |
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Geldern +6
- Attributes: Strength +1
Defeat Gembak in the arena
Conventional duel in the arena. Gembak is your second opponent.
![]() | ![]() |
The rules are the same as ever.
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Geldern +6
- Attributes: Strength +1
Defeat Kulak in the arena
The last fight in the Geldern arena. This time your opponent is the champion Kulak.
![]() | The rules are the same as ever. To duel with Kulak you have to defeat Dymitar and Gembak earlier. |
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Geldern +6
- Attributes: Strength +1
Talk to Samuel about the destroyed mine
It's the mine where two Hashishin Mazin and Mirzo look for the artifacts. After finishing business with Hashishin (described later), report to Samuel about the mine.
- Experience points: 1750
- Reputation: Geldern +4
Discover the secret of the druid Runak
Grok the shaman chief from Geldern gives this quest.
![]() | Your job is to find druid Runak (Bollock's party hunt for him) and kill him. The most important part is to bring Grok the Torn's druid stone. |
- Experience points: 2000
- Reputation: Orcs +2
Liberate Geldern from the Orcs
The next quest connected with liberating the city. There are a few people participating in this task: Lares and Marius from Geldern, Torn the druid and Josh (from the farm near Trelis).
![]() | You have some allies but it's up to you to do the job. It's definitely a difficult fight - there are a few shamans in Geldern, and they are very dangerous opponents. You receive this quest in the further part of the game when you decide to support Rhobar and the rebels. |
- Experience points: 7500
- Reputation: Rebels +5
Bring Nemrok the artifact from the ruins in the north
It's Nemrok who gives this quest. You have to go north (actually it's northwest) and find the ruins. You will probably face very strong monsters: ripperbeasts, shadowbeasts and even trolls. Shadow scepter is the artifact wanted by Nemrok. It's very hard to find it; you have to check the terrains near the river - the ruins are on the small hill.
- Experience points: 2000
- Reputation: Geldern +6
Bring the shaman Grimboll some sulphur
Grimboll the shaman gives this quest.
![]() | Grimboll needs five pieces of sulphur. You may have it in your inventory but if you don't, there is a lot of sulphur in the mines near Geldern. |
- Experience points: 1000
- Reputation: Geldern +2
The seven ancient rings of the alchemists
It's quest from Jared (the same who needs to meet Lares). Jared needs seven ancient rings of the alchemists. You can find all of them in Geldern, in the shaman's quarters (check the tables and shelves). Some of them are hidden in the locked rooms in Geldern. To finish this quest you have to reach a high level of reputation, (you must open the locked door guarded by the Orcs). Doing this quest save your game after stealing of every ring. .
- Experience points: 1500
- Attributes: Thieving +1
Find some eager slaves for the wolf mine
Nemrok gives this quest as a part of task connected with the wolf mine (described earlier). After killing all wolves from the mine, you can bring the slaves here. You have to find the particular eager slave (he is near the Geldern mine) and order him going to the wolf mine.
- Experience points: 1250
- Reputation: Geldern +6
Bring more eager slaves to the wolf mine
It's another part of the task connected with the wolf mine. This time it's particular eager slave who gives this quest. You have to go back to Geldern and look for more eager slaves (one of them is near the place where you found the particular eager slave, and two more can be found in the Geldern mine). Order all of them to go to the wolf mine.
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Geldern +2
The Orc shaman Grok wants all the fire chalices
Grok gives this quest and choosing this you definitely support the Orcs. When you find all the fire chalices (it takes a large part of the game), bring it to Grok.
- Experience points: 10000
- Reputation: Orcs +7
The secret of Mazin, the Hashishin merchant
This quest appears after meeting Mazin and his brother Mirzo. Mazin gets artifacts from somewhere, and Orcs want to know the place. In one of the mines near Geldern you can find Mirzo, who looks for the artifacts for his brother. Talk to both Hashishin and you will know everything. You may report it to the Orcs.
- Experience points: 2000
- Reputation: Geldern +4
Kill the druid Runak
Grok or Bollock the leader of the group sent to kill Runak can give this quest.
![]() | Bollock is not specially eager to fight and he let's you to kill Rangers and the druid. Enter their camp and kill everyone you find there. |
- Experience points: 2500
- Reputation: Orcs +4
- Reputation: Geldern +4
Kill the druid Torn
It's a quest similar to the previous one. It's Grock who gives it, and Gunock and Kappoth also participates in this task (you met all of them while completing other quests). Your job is to find and kill the druid Torn (you met him too when solving Trelis quests).
- Experience points: 2500
- Reputation: Orcs +4
Kill the unholy mercenary Ivan
It's the part of the quest given by Gembak. When you agree to look for Ivan, agree to kill him too (frankly speaking you have no choice because Ivan attacks you anyway).
- Experience points: 2000
- Reputation: Geldern +8
- Reputation: Orcs +2
Kill the druid hunting party from Geldern
Runak the druid gives this quest. Ballock's group was sent to kill Runak. The druid asks you to kill the whole hunting party. You have to decide which side you choose.
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Rangers +10
Kill the tunnel wolves in the wolf mine
Nemrok gives this quest as a part of a task connected with a wolf mine.
![]() | Before you start to bring the slaves here, you have to kill all wolves wandering near the mine (they are also inside the mine). |
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Geldern +6
Kill the leader of the southern druid search party
It's another task given by Runak. After destroying the Bollock's hunting party, you have to kill the leader of the second group Gunock. The lazy Gunock is in Geldern (quest described earlier), and his group is on the farm near Trelis (led by Kappoth).
- Experience points: 2000
- Reputation: Rangers +15
Kill the threatening snappers outside the sulphur mine
Sulfock the Orc guarding the sulphur mine gives this quest.
![]() | Sulfock is a guardian but he is not eager to face the snappers. Do a job for him (you have to kill all snappers wandering near the mine). |
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Geldern +6
Golden plates for Lares
It's a quest from Lares, who needs golden plates belonging to the Orc shamans. You have to steal them. You can find them in the shamans quarters (including Grok's apartment), check shelves, tables etc. be careful because the plates looks like ordinary goblets.
- Experience points: 2000
- Attributes: Thieving +2
Find the Orc's druid search party
Grok gives this quest as a part of druid hunting. You just have to find Bollock's hunting party (they are near the Runak's hideout).
- Experience points: 1500
Find the first paladin's helmet
This quest is given by Shawn from Okara (he helps you to rebuild Gotha). Your job is to look for legendary helmet in Geldern. You can find it on the shelf in the shaman's quarter. You may sell it to Jared.
- Experience points: 500
- Attributes: Thieving +1
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