Find the source of plague in Heaven's Peak - part 1 Overlord Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Now it's time to find blue minions so we can go further. From your tower go to Heaven's Peak. Walk up a while, past the peasants (#1) and toward the camp. You'll see one of the refugees turning into a zombie. Head to the back of the camp and to the rusty cemetery gate (#2). Enter and kill the zombies there.
Walk further and you'll meet succubus (#1). Killing her won't be too difficult but keep an eye on your little fellows as they easily fall in love with the laughing daemon. Send them to attack her and follow as she flies from place to place. Now head to where the next tower object is (#2). You've probably noticed some blue minions on your left. Let your minions take the object to the waypoint - follow them if you want as it's not far and there are spawning pits which you might want to use. Oh, look, your mana's increased again! Now come back to where you saw the blues (#2) and approach them across the white bridge to your right. Enter the cave.