The best characters - TFT Tier List
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In Teamfight Tactics it is difficult to find one reliable strategy and composition. Much depends on what our opponents have at their disposal and what heroes you will draw. During the first few rounds it is not worth to focus on one particular composition/tactics, but rather to adapt to the situation on the board. If you manage to get 1-2 two-star characters of the same origin or class, then you can already think about assembling an army. However, this is not necessary.
Some compositions work well at the beginning of the game, but after 15-20 you can think about changing them. Such sets are Garen, Mordekaiser or Darius (Knight), to which you can add Vaynve or Lucian to have a Noble synergy. This type of composition will do well in the initial rounds, and during this time you can collect heroes of different origin or classes on a bench. Fill up your initial setting with them.
12 September - we have added a composition of Shapeshifting Sorcerers.
16th of August - we added the "Noble Crowd" composition, which in patch 9.16 is by far the most powerful one. This formation (if properly created) is unbeatable in the final phase of the game, but it's quite hard to assemble.
29 July - we've added the Demonic Yordle composition. The demons offer the best synergy in the game right now; combined with the Yordle, they can beat just about anyone.
July 18, 2019 - a new composition has been added "Volibear - Brawlers/Elementalists/Glacials"
July 11th, 2019 - we have added a new composition, Ninja / Elementalist, and have added a new section to the previous strategies called "When to create?" which informs when you should create a given army.
Shapeshifter Sorcerers
Shapeshifters have great heroes, which is further enhanced by a very good synergy. With them, your composition has enough health and CC to give wizards time to deal massive damage. If your opponent has a high resistance to magic, there is always a strong Shyvana that can be used.

When to assemble it?
You can enforce it at any time, but it is best to assemble such team if you can build a lot of wizard items and quickly get three shapeshifters.
How to play?
First, focus on getting three shapeshifters and demons or four wild ones.
Try to invest your first items in Kennen. With Morelonomicon and the Guardian Angel he should safely lead your army through the early stages of the game.
You can give items to Nidalee. You will sell her afterwards, but at the beginning she's very strong.
Your main carry will be magicians, but Shyvana or Gnar are also a good choice if you have bad luck with magical items.
Other Team Compositions
- Noble Crowd
- Void Rengar
- Demonic Yordle (Demons/Yordle)
- Volibear - Brawlers/Elementalists/Glacials
- Ninja / Elementalist
- Glacial / Elementalist
- Wild / Sorcerer
- Glacial / Ranger
- Wild / Imperials
- Wild/Shapeshifter/Dragon
Noble Crowd
Nobles are the best possible composition at the end of the game in patch 9.16. Its drawback is the fact that it's hard to assemble and you have to count on Kayle. After proper setup it is practically unbeatable.

When you should assemble this team?
It can be enforced at any time, but never use more than 3 nobles if you cannot put 6. Keep the rest on the bench and wait to get Kayle.
How to play?
There are two good ways to play the early stage of the match. You can use Knights (Darius, Garen, Poppy, Sejuani) or Rangers/Swordsmen (Lucian, Gankplank, Aatrox, Graves, Draven).
Form a well-functioning composition from these three synergies that contain as many Nobles as possible. Initially it will probably be Garen, Lucia, Fiora or Vayne. Then you can include Leona. Gather other Nobles on the bench.
An alternative to Draven is Jinx, who also works well as a carry at the end of the game.
This composition should not be focused on getting three stars, but sometimes it is worth collecting two two-star characters of the same type (Lucian, Vayne, Fiora). This will allow you to equip one character with strong items, then sell it and give all items to Jinx/Dravena or Yasuo.
On a carousel, your priority should always be Kayle.
The most important items in this composition are Infinite Edge, Red Buff, Rapid Fire Cannon or Luden's Echo.
- Red Buff is for ranged units (Lucian, Jinx) and Yasuo.
- Infinite Edge is for Draven/Jinx.
- Luden's Echo is initially for Lucian, then for Yasuo.
- Rapid Fire Cannon is for ranged units or Draven.
- Cursed Blade or Blade of Ruined King are also quite effective for rangers and shooting units.
If you can't find Kayle for a long time, focus on the synergy of Sword Masters and strengthening Draven.
Void Rengar

Squad: Rengar, Kha'zix, Zed, Warwick, Blitzcrank, Rek'Sai, Cho'Gath.
When to assemble?
As soon as you get a two-star Rengar. This is the main character of the composition.
How to play it?
- First, try to get three Assassins asap: Rengar, Zed and Kha'zix. Add some Brawlers, such as Warwick, Blitzcrank or Rek'sai.
- The main carry will be Rengar, who need Statikk Shiva and Guardian Angela as soon as possible. The third item can be Phantom Dancer, Guinsoo's Rageblade or another Statikk Shiv.
- A great item for this composition in Zeke's Herald. Give it to Zed or Kha'zixa.
- The second most important character will be Cho'goth. Thanks to Void synergy, he deals real damage, which, combined with Morellonomiconem, will make the enemies run for their lives.
- Later in the game, you might want to switch Zed for Akali.
- Good gear for starters: Kassadin or Pyke.
On the carousel, first of all look for Recurve Bow and Tear of the Goddess to assemble a Statikk Shiva. The Tear will also be useful for Luden's Echo or Seraph's Embrace, and the bow, for Phantom Dancer or Guinsoo's Rageblade. Then, you will also need Needlessly Large Rod and Giant's Belt, to assemble Morellonomicon for Cho'goth. Later on, focus on developing the Guardian Angel (B.F.Sword + Chain Vest) and Zeke's Herald (B.F.Sword + Giant's Belt).
Demonic Yordle (Demons/Yordle)

Squad: Pyke, Kennen, Lulu, Veigar, Morgana, Evelynn, Aatrox, Brand.
The composition is based on demons, who are currently the strongest synergy in the game. While it could use some tanks, it makes up for them with high CC, huge area damage and mana drain.
When to assemble?
This composition is strongly dependent on specific items, so you can assemble it at any time, provided you have the items. The only problem is the fact that currently everyone wants demons, so they can end up quickly.
How to play?
- Just like with about any composition, you have to focus on creating a good composition for the early game stage first, which will guarantee enough gold and time to collect the remaining elements. The Knights are perfect, as well as Brawlers or Nobles.
- In the carousel, aim for items that will allow to quickly assemble Locket of Iron Solari.
- Further in the game, the base of the composition will be Kennen, Aatrox and Morgana
- Pyke is great at the beginning, but then you have to turn him into a Demon (with the item Darkin) or swap for Swain/Brand. Turning him into a demon will not only make him stronger, but will also let Pyke to charge his ability very quickly.
As far as items are concerned, Morgana should get Locket of Iron Solari as soon as possible, Kennen - Morelonomicon or Locket, and Aatrox is best with a Guardian Angel and an item for damage.
Volibear - Brawlers/Elementalists/Glacials

Composition: Volibear, Sejuani, Rek'sai, Blitzcrank, Lissandra, Anivia, Cho'goth i Brand.
The composition is entirely focused on one character, which is Volibear. Properly equipped, he can defeat anyone, but he needs good cover and specific items.
When to assemble it?
If you manage to get some Brawlers at the beginning and draw or get Recurve Bow. From two such items you an create Rapid Fire Cannon, which is an essential item for Volibear.
How to play with this composition?
- First try to collect 4 Brawlers and Rapid Fire Cannon.
- The next step is to get and use three Elemental Masters. Their synergy will allow you to summon a golem that is very powerful for the first half of the game.
- Your most important goal is to have a strong Volibear. To achieve this, however, it is not enough to get 2 or 3 stars as this character. Equally important are the items for him. The basis is Rapid Fire Cannon, then Guinsoo Rageblade and finally Bloodthirster or Warmog's Armor. A bear equipped in this way will be unstoppable.
- In the final stages of the game, Blitzcrank is a very important hero. By setting Blitzcrank up properly you will be able to quickly get rid of the more powerful units of your opponent, such as Draven or Aurelion Sol.
What to watch out for?
This composition is very compact, so it can have problems against heroes with area of effect damage. Brand and Aurelion Sol can very quickly penetrate your troops. To avoid this, try to work with Blitzcrank's location. If you set it right, you can get rid of the danger right from the start of the battle. Also, sometimes it works well to set up units in one or two ranks.
Ninja / Elementalist

Team composition: Kennen, Lissandra/Anivia, Brand, Pyke, Shen, Zed, Kennen.
A very good composition, but it requires a little bit of luck. It relies on Pyke's strength and the synergy between the Elementalists. Works great at the beginning of the game or in the middle phase. This team isn't as efficient in the later phases but it should still be sufficient, especially when you manage to get Anivia.
When to create?
When you get a two-star Pyke and you give him Spear of Shojin, you will increase your chance of getting Elementalists (fast Brand).
How to play with this composition?
- First, Focus on equipping Pyke with Spear of Shojin, preferably with two of them. Thanks to this item, you will be able to win the initial fights with ease.
- During the initial battles, you can have any two-star characters in the first line, e.g. two knights. The best option is to quickly invest in Shen.
- The next step is to get three Elementalists and equip Brand with items that increase his mana and magic damage.
- Assassins work great in the initial stages of the game - they will support Pyke and Zed.
Glacial / Elementalist

Squad: Ashe, Anivia, Lissandra, Volibear, Sejuani, Braum, Leona, Brand
A great composition that doesn't deal huge damage, but is very resilient and has enormous CC. Thanks to Elementalists' synergy and the Guardians, our first line will be virtually unbreakable, and Ashe, Brand and Anivia should be able to deal with the back of the enemy.
When to create?
When you manage to get one or two-star Glacials and get three Elementalists fast.
How to play it?
- Before you assemble the whole composition, focus on creating a good first line of Glacials and optionally Brawlers, and Rangers in the second. These will be your main synergies at the beginning.
- Try to get three Elementalists as fast as possible (even when they have one star). The golem summoned by their synergy is really powerful.
- The core of this composition will first be Ashe and Voilbear. Give them your best items. Rapidfire Cannon / Guinsoo's Rageblade for Volibeara and another Rageblade for Ashe. Spear of Shojin is also a good choice, since it ensures almost 100% of reezing the target.
- Another carry is Brand, who's able to cope well with Spear of Shojin. The item will let him use his powerful area-of-effect ability more often. Aniva should get all items that provide mana, as well as Morellonomicon.
- If you want to get three Elementalists fast, look for them on the carousel.
Wild / Sorcerer

Team composition: Ahri, Aurelion Sol, Gnar, Cho'Gath, Kassadin, Shyvana, Nidalee, Warwick
A very pleasant composition, which does well from the very beginning, and then practically blows away enemies. Her main carry is Aurelion Sol, dealing massive area damage. Five tanks should be enough to save him from the enemy's DPS.
When to create?
When you manage to get a two-star Kassadin fast and you have a few items for mages.
How to play with this composition?
- First of all, focus on buying Shapeshifter characters. They are quite strong at the beginning of the game and will allow you to collect gold for the next mages.
- Phantom Dancer will do best on Kassadina, and Guardian Angel on Gnar.
- All Attack Speed and Magic Damage items should be given to Aurelion Sol.
Glacial / Ranger

Team composition: Varus, Vayne, Kindred, Ashe, Sejuani, Mordekaiser, Volibear, Cho'Gath
One of the best and most stable compositions in the game. Four tanks take damage and use CC, and four shooters in the back deal massive damage.
When to create?
When you manage to quickly get either two-star Vayne or Varus and you get a few items for AD Carry (Spear of Shojin, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Infinity Edge).
How to play with this composition?
- Take your time with leveling. Instead, get 50 gold as soon as you can and try to collect a three-star Vayne, who will be the main DPS in this composition. Equip her with best damage boosting items.
- At first, you can freely change tanks to survive the initial rounds, and then focus on specific characters.
- Ashe with Spear of Shojin and additional attack speed guarantees a constant freeze on his target.
- Note! In order to create a full composition, it is necessary to assemble the Frozen Mallet item, which will allow Varus to be transformed into a character from the Glacial faction.
Wild / Imperials

Team composition: Sejuani, Cho'Gath, Ahri, Draven, Gnar, Warwick, Nidalee, Swain
This is a composition that is very easy to build at the beginning of the game and is very strong at every stage of the game. It has a great DPS, good tanks and quite impressive CC.
When to create?
When you manage to get two two-star units from the Wild synergy (Nidalee, Warwick or Ahri).
How to play with this composition?
- The basis of our army should be Warwick, Nidalee and Ahri. You may temporarily add Darius for Imperial synergy or Shyvana/Elise for Shapeshifter synergy.
- Your main DPSs will be Draven and Swain and they should receive as many items as possible. Phantom Dancer is particularly good for Swain and Bloodthirster for Draven.
Very powerful composition, which will work well in the initial phase of the game, as well as at the very end. It has a good balance between tanks and damage characters. Warwick, Nidalee and Ahri should be the basis of this composition. Then complement it with other shapeshifters, like Shyvana and Gnar. The set is complemented by one of the strongest units in the game - Aurelion Sol. Thanks to it you will complete the synergy of Dragons. The disadvantage of this composition are quite high prices of most of the units.
Fundament of composition: Nidalee, Warwick, Ahri, Shyvana, Gnar, Aurelion Sol.
Additional characters: It is best to add any magician to this composition to get the synergy of Sorcerer and Ninja, who receives the synergy when he is alone. Suggestions: Lulu, Zed, Pyke, Kennen.
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