Part Four

Pick up the arm from the ground. Try attaching it to the corpse that the female version of the creature from the previous chapter is sitting on. Then, talk to the creature. After the conversation ends, collect the rope ladder that is hanging to the left, and you will obtain rungs. Take a look at the Fosfos on the ground and then, at the Fosfos symbol on the gate. Then, talk about it all to Laura.

Using the arm, try to lever the stone to the right. Robert is too weal so, ask Laura to help you. Once you are done, put the rungs under the stone. Use the stone and you will regain the arm. Use the stone again and you will watch a cutscene. Now, you talk to the creature about the possibility of relocating onto the stone. Use the flirt option. Lift the corpse in the inventory and mount it onto the nearby legs. Also, attach the arm.

Examine the statue and note where it is keeping its fingers. Once you are done examining it, return to the main area. Enter your inventory and you will notice a flute symbol. Use it and, when the flute appears, press 1 and 4 simultaneously. There is nothing left to do but enter.

Start by looking through the schemata to the left. Then, approach the desk and a nice man will appear. He will hand you two invitations. Collect the recipe book from the bottom-left corner of the room and leave to the yard through the door in the middle.

Collect flowers from the flowerbed here, the jumping rope and the mushrooms that are next to the fence to the right. Try opening the door and talk to Laura. Return to the vestibule.

Talk to Steve. Bring up the subject of Steve/Pete and he will drop a rolling pin. Collect it and talk to him again. First of all, about the fruit cake and then about winds. When the subject of the yard appears, use it and you will be transported to the yard with the man. Talk to him and bring up each issue twice. After all of the dialogue options are exhausted, return to the vestibule and leave.

Try collecting the Fosfos. First talk to the female creature. Use the rolling pin on the bottom beam that is projecting from the wall to the left. Return to the vestibule and use he pin on both beams - start with the top one. Once you are outside, you will notice that you have created steps to the top of the wall for yourself. Use it. Unfortunately, on top, there is an obstacle which cannot be crossed.

Get down and, when you are on the middle step, use the rolling pin on the top one. After you get to the bottom one, use it on the middle step. When you are on the ground, hit the bottom step. Enter the vestibule and use the steps to get to the top. There, click on the top of the wall. Take a look around and walk down to the ground. Leave through the gate and try catching the Fosfos once again. It will change locations. Return to the vestibule and invite Steve outside.

In here, talk to Laura about the possibility of diverting the receptionist's attention. Change the subject to the fruit cake. When Steve joins the conversation, this will mean that you succeeded. You still need to give Laura the mushrooms that you found here. Return to the vestibule and, since you are alone here, collect the grater hanging behind the counter and the jewel case from the desk. Then, talk to the... coal in the cage. Then, return to the yard and talk to Laura. Return to the vestibule, with Steven. Now you can leave to the yard where you can collect the golden carpet.

Leave now and hang the carpet on the branch next to the place where the Fosfos is stopping. Then, try catching it. Enter the vestibule and examine the scheme again - note that you can now collect the pins jabbed into it. Also, collect the pompom that is hanging down from the barrier under the scheme. Combine it with the pins and then, with the jumping rope.

Leave now and use the grate on the female creature. Now, climb the wall from the side of the vestibule. To the toy that you have just created, add the invitations and use it on the Fosfos - if it is not under the tree now - you need to get down and get it under the tree.

Take the toy apart - you will be left with two golden invitations. Go to the yard and use the grater on the shield there. Then, collect the crumbs that have dropped under it. Invite Steve to the yard to see Pete in the polished shield. Then, return to the vestibule and ask him about the "gale band".

While talking to the receptionist, bring up all of the available subjects. Examine all the items in this area that are worth examining. Return to the vestibule then, where you need to take Steve from, using the method already known to you. Bring up the subject of the song and, after a while, debris will fall down from the roof. Collect it. Return to the chamber with the well of winds. Ask Laura to divert Steve's attention. Examine the large ring behind the well - you will notice that you can fit six Fosfoses in there.

Return to the vestibule alone. Put the debris, crumbs, flowers into the blender and use the crank to the side of the device. Take the mixture in the bowl. Then, collect the jewel box from the desk and combine it with the concoction. Once ready, put it into the glazed stove. Examine the poster behind it and talk to the coal by using the new dialogue option.

Use the hand puppet to open the stove and take the mould out. You will get a baked key. Return to the Hall of Winds and release Laura from diverting Steve's attention. Return to the vestibule together. But, leave to the yard alone with Laura. In here, use the baked key on the door to the hall. Inside, put flowers into the bowl that is standing here. It will fill with water then. Return for Steve and come here with him again.

Talk to Steve and raise all the subjects - this time you will be answered by Pete. After the first question about the melody, the crystal to the right will crack. Collect what is left of it. Ask Steve again and he will hum the melody that activates the Fosfoses on the ring. After the dialogue and the show end, take a look at the ring - you will see the holes that you need to press on the flute to activate the next ones. Unfortunately, at the first attempt, it will turn out that you need to escort Steve back to the vestibule and return here alone. After you return, use the ring and have the flute ready. Press the following keys:
1 and 3, 2 and 4, 1 and 3 and 4, 2 and 3, 1 and 2, 1.
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