[Mission 01][Part: 1/3] South Africa | Walkthrough


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Threats: There are a couple of sniper spots nearby, however you shouldn't worry about them too much. All of these spots have been reminded and pointed out in the following walkthrough. Furthermore, they are in a rather obvious locations. You will also have to escort a few hostages, that were taken by the terrorists.

Objectives: The main objective of this mission is to reach a spot where the civilians are being held (the vault of a nearby bank). Next, you will have to kill terrorists guarding them and escort the civilians back to safety.

Before you proceed to the mission itself, I'd strongly recommend taking a closer look at the Briefing section. You will be told that the president Mbelu has been captured. You will have to locate his position and take care of the nearby terrorists. In the Intel section you will be presented with a few maps. Each mission consists of two or three seperate levels. Once you've reached the extraction zone of the first part, you will be automatically transported to the next one, without the possibility of returning to previously completed levels. You should also spend some time in the Team Outfitiing section. Here you will be able to choose between several types of guns, grenades and other equipment. If you want to know more about these elements of the game, you should take a closer look at the final section of this game guide. Once you've taken care of all things click the Start Mission button to begin.

You start off near an underground parking lot. You might want to keep a crouching position at all times. In order to do that, you need to press the X (default) key. Start moving towards a glowing icon (#1). You will be presented with a lot of helpful hints. This one tells more about using guns. I'd recommend running towards one of the nearby covers (use the CAPS LOCK key). Start shooting at the visible terrorists (#2). It would be wise to zoom in the view, using the right mouse button. You should achieve more precise shots that way.

1 - [Mission 01][Part: 1/3] South Africa - Walkthrough - Rainbow Six: Lockdown - Game Guide and Walkthrough
Bear in mind that you may give orders to the other squad members - [Mission 01][Part: 1/3] South Africa - Walkthrough - Rainbow Six: Lockdown - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Bear in mind that you may give orders to the other squad members. You will have to leave them in the back at some points, however for the most of the time they will be very helpful. You can order them to go to a desired spot or, for example, to follow your lead. You will be using the SPACE key for the most of the time. Keep heading towards the nearest building, the same one that's been defended by the terrorists (#1). Enter the underground parking lot. Head on to the lower level. You should be doing that VERY CAREFULLY. Remember that you aren't rushed by anything or anyone. I'd recommend staying close to the left wall. You will encounter new enemy soldiers very soon (#1). If you're lucky, you should be able to make a surprise attack. Remember to aim at the heads of terrorist soldiers. The same goes with the other types of opponents, especially those who will be equipeed with bulletproof vests...

2 - [Mission 01][Part: 1/3] South Africa - Walkthrough - Rainbow Six: Lockdown - Game Guide and Walkthrough
You should be able to reach the fourth level of the parking lot very soon - [Mission 01][Part: 1/3] South Africa - Walkthrough - Rainbow Six: Lockdown - Game Guide and Walkthrough

You should be able to reach the fourth level of the parking lot very soon. Start moving forward. It would be best to use nearby cars for extra cover. Remember that the most efficient way to dispose of an enemy soldier is to aim at his head. You will reach a second glowing point within a few seconds (#1). This time you will learn more about giving orders to the other squad members. The game will also explain the meaning of the visible health bars. You could head on to the left tunnel, however I wouldn't recommend that, mainly because you'd be left without any cover. Instead, choose the nearby door (#2). Remember to keep the rest of the team with you.

3 - [Mission 01][Part: 1/3] South Africa - Walkthrough - Rainbow Six: Lockdown - Game Guide and Walkthrough
You should be able to reach a destroyed staircase very soon - [Mission 01][Part: 1/3] South Africa - Walkthrough - Rainbow Six: Lockdown - Game Guide and Walkthrough

You should be able to reach a destroyed staircase very soon. You can't go up, so head on the other direction. You will finally come across a single door (#1). It would be wise to use other team members to help you breach through to the next section. Use the SPACE button to pick a desired action. I'd personally recommend choosing 'Breach' and then 'Clear'. You won't have to use any grenades, because the parking lot area is too large for that. You've probably noticed by now that the crew members won't do anything UNLESS you've provided them with a 'Go Code'. You will once again find yourself in the main area of the lot. Start shooting at the remaining enemy soldiers (#2). Remember to use cars for much needed cover. Thankfully, your team members have probably killed most of the terrorists by now.

4 - [Mission 01][Part: 1/3] South Africa - Walkthrough - Rainbow Six: Lockdown - Game Guide and Walkthrough
Keep pushing forward - [Mission 01][Part: 1/3] South Africa - Walkthrough - Rainbow Six: Lockdown - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Keep pushing forward. Remember to use parked cars for extra cover. I'd also recommend keeping other crew members close to your position. You should be able to reach a new glowing icon very soon. You will find out more about opening doors. Head on to the nearest passageway (#1). You will encounter a next icon along the way. The message will remind you to reload the weapon as often as possible. You will also find out more about choosing a correct rate of fire. Use the stairs to reach the lowest level (#2). Head on to the nearby corridor. You will find a new icon over here.

5 - [Mission 01][Part: 1/3] South Africa - Walkthrough - Rainbow Six: Lockdown - Game Guide and Walkthrough
Open a nearby door - [Mission 01][Part: 1/3] South Africa - Walkthrough - Rainbow Six: Lockdown - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Open a nearby door. Just like the message said, you should turn on your night vision right now (#1). In order to do that, you will have to press the V key. You could also use the movement detector (B key), however in my personal opinion it's not that useful as it might have seemed at first glance. The night vision will help you in locating some of the nearby opponents. In most cases (the terrorists will be crouching behind cars), it would be best to shoot at their feet (#2). Keep pushing forward. Don't forget to use cars and pillars for extra cover.

6 - [Mission 01][Part: 1/3] South Africa - Walkthrough - Rainbow Six: Lockdown - Game Guide and Walkthrough
You should be able to reach a new corridor in a few seconds (#1) - [Mission 01][Part: 1/3] South Africa - Walkthrough - Rainbow Six: Lockdown - Game Guide and Walkthrough

You should be able to reach a new corridor in a few seconds (#1). There is a glowing icon nearby. Read the information. You may proceed to the next section. Once you've reached a closed door stand in a marked spot (#2). The game will load the next level shortly (#2).

7 - [Mission 01][Part: 1/3] South Africa - Walkthrough - Rainbow Six: Lockdown - Game Guide and Walkthrough
8 - [Mission 01][Part: 1/3] South Africa - Walkthrough - Rainbow Six: Lockdown - Game Guide and Walkthrough

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