Kush Games

Kush Games is a developer.

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Kush Games is a developer of video games. Kush Games has been active on the market since before 2004. One of its first projects was game ESPN NHL 2K5. In publishing its games, Kush Games collaborates with 2K Sports. The developer's most recent work is NHL 2K8. The developer's most recent work is NHL 2K8. Production release occurred on 03 September 2007.

Most Popular Games Developed by Kush Games


Sports - August 30, 2004

PlayStation 2 Xbox

Major League Baseball 2K5

Sports - February 22, 2005

PlayStation 2 Xbox
Major League Baseball 2K5

Major League Baseball 2K6

Sports - April 3, 2006

PlayStation 2 Xbox GameCube
Major League Baseball 2K6

Major League Baseball 2K7

Sports - March 5, 2007

PlayStation 2 Xbox
Major League Baseball 2K7


Sports - September 3, 2007

PlayStation 2 Xbox

Developed Games

List of all released games developed by Kush Games.

NHL 2K8 - September 3, 2007 - PS2, PS3, X360

Major League Baseball 2K7 - March 5, 2007 - PS2, XBOX, X360, PS3, PSP

Major League Baseball 2K6 - April 3, 2006 - PS2, XBOX, GCN, X360, PSP

Major League Baseball 2K5 - February 22, 2005 - XBOX, PS2

ESPN NHL 2K5 - August 30, 2004 - PS2, XBOX