Amnesia: The Dark Descent - Delightful Decay v.1.5.2 - Game mod - Download
The file Delightful Decay v.1.5.2 is a modification for Amnesia: The Dark Descent, a(n) adventure game. Download for free.
File Type: Game mod
File Size: 1993 MB
Last Update: Monday, December 4, 2017
Downloads: 385
Last 7 days: 1
Report problems with download: [email protected]

Delightful Decay is a mod for Amnesia: The Dark Descent, created by SKuLL Mods
Mod oferuje nowa przygode dla pojedynczego gracza, której akcja toczy sie w czasach wspólczesnych. Wcielamy sie w pracownika prywatnej organizacji Systech Laboratoriums, która zajmuje sie lapaniem i eksterminacja plugawych potworów oraz dbaniem o to, by ludzkosc nigdy sie nie dowiedziala, jakie istoty naprawde zamieszkuja nas swiat.
Niestety, Edwin Freeland, czyli najnowszy prezes firmy, postanawia ujawnic publicznie wszystkie sekretu grupy. Sa one tak przerazajace, ze moga doprowadzil do zalamania sie calej cywilizacji. My otrzymujemy zadanie powstrzymania tej katastrofy.
Extract the Amnesia Delightful Decay folder into the Amnesia The Dark Descent Folder.
Now you can either:
1.) Go into the steam library and right click on the Amnesia The Dark Descent game and left click properties. Next you need to click
'Set Launch Options...' and copy and paste the following input without the quotations.
"Amnesia Delightful Decay/DD_config/main_init.cfg"
After that just run the game through Steam as usual.
If you want to play the original Amnesia game just delete the input.
2.) Use the given windows batch file that is included with the mod. This seems to have some issues with certain players on steam,
including myself so the listed number one should be the option you use if this is a problem
- Last update: Monday, December 4, 2017
- Genre: Adventure
- File size: 1993 MB