Amnesia: The Dark Descent - Depth - Game mod - Download
The file Depth is a modification for Amnesia: The Dark Descent, a(n) adventure game. Download for free.
File Type: Game mod
File Size: 447.8 MB
Last Update: Sunday, February 15, 2015
Downloads: 725
Last 7 days: 0
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AHOI Mod - A Treasure Chest is a mod for Hearts of Iron III: Their Finest Hour, created by t Chromos.
Overall goal of this Mod is to have more a simulation with historical plausible background.
Little Mod description:
- ~580 techs in 22 folder that the ai is also researching (Vanilla has 286 in 12 folder).
- New country development system to have a better catch up chance for small countries(f.e. industrialisation techs).
- Complete new widescreen GUI to see more at a glance and have some more modding possibilities.
- See more of your production, trade, convoys, technologies, theatres etc. without the need of scrolling.(See pictures below.)
- New topbar that arranges the ressources around the IC and the numbers like Manpower, diplo etc. “colour coded” next to the according tab’s.
- The ressources are arranged in the production tab the same way as in the topbar for easier perception.
- The alert icons and trade icons will pop up on the rigt side of the new topbar.
- New Alert icons. (Early designs!), and also wood/steel border for the trade icons to fit in the new overall design.
- Coloured game speed indicator.
- Statistics tab now shows the units overview with the graphs without overlapping units.
- Also GUI changes in the Unit view, bigger Leader Pictures and and a different branch Symbol next to them(Land/Air/Naval) to the branch they belong to.
- New design of units production screen, it shows now up to 30 techs of each unit(eliminating the problem of techs descriptions running out of the screen for now).
- Some new decisions regarding manpower.
- ~90 buildable units (vanilla has 48, ai is producing them as well!).
- HQ’s have unique Counters for each lvl of Command.
- New division build up system (a normal divison consist now out of 3 to 9 Regiments, complete change to a regimental System, introduction of a suport Regiment for Hvy Sup Weapons or Eng etc.).
- Elite Units with uniqe counters. HQ’s wich unique counters
- Some adjustments to the jap/chi/man borders and events.
- Some adjustments to laws.
- Some adjustments to combat events.
- Quite some adjustments to the basic game mechanics like combat and supply(defines.lua etc.).
For install instructions consult the readme file.
- Last update: Sunday, February 15, 2015
- Genre: Adventure
- File size: 447.8 MB