Amnesia: The Dark Descent - Emma's Story Part 2 - Emma's Nightmare v.2.6 - Game mod - Download

The file Emma's Story Part 2 - Emma's Nightmare v.2.6 is a modification for Amnesia: The Dark Descent, a(n) adventure game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 100.1 MB

Last Update: Friday, August 8, 2014

Downloads: 1615

Last 7 days: 1

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Emma's Story Part 2 - Emma's Nightmare is a mod for Amnesia: The Dark Descent, created by Evil Armor. Jest to kontynuacja wczesniejszej przygody zatytulowanej Emma's Story. Ponownie wcielamy sie w tytulowa dziewczyne, która próbuje zemscic sie na swoim przezartym zlem ojcu. Projekt jest wysmienicie wykonany i (co stanowi rzadkosc w przypadku modów do tej gry) posiada wiele scen na swiezym powietrzu.

The Story continues as you play as Emma in her struggle against her father, turned evil by the Orb of Power. When Emma destroyed the Orb in part 1, it sent shards flying all throughout the Coleman Estate. However, these shards are not benign. Each one has a personality of its own, that when touched, will show her either beautiful or terrible things. In order to survive, Emma must learn the secrets of the shards, and use them to seek revenge on her evil father.If you have not played Emma's Story Part I, please play that first before playing this one. You will be very confused otherwise!

Also, this mod REQUIRES the Justine Patch. Please have it installed before you play, otherwise you will not see everything you are intended to see.(You probably have Justine already if you bought Amnesia on Steam. However, if you bought from retail, you will need Justine)

To install the mod extract the archive into : „...Amnesia The Dark Descent\custom_stories” and launch the adventure from game’s menu.

  • Last update: Friday, August 8, 2014
  • Genre: Adventure
  • File size: 100.1 MB