Amnesia: The Dark Descent - The Clockman v.7042019 - Game mod - Download

The file The Clockman v.7042019 is a modification for Amnesia: The Dark Descent, a(n) adventure game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 211.3 MB

Last Update: Friday, September 6, 2019

Downloads: 132

Last 7 days: 0

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The Clockman is a mod for Amnesia: The Dark Descent, created by OddStuff.

Description (in author’s own words):

You, Abraham, and your father Edward were never close. You just recently started living in his estate located in northern europe, against your wishes. You never wanted to re-connect with your father after he left you when you were very young. You moved to his mansion after your house mysteriously caught on fire, leaving none of your belongings intact. Edward was your only option. With each day that you spend in your father's mansion, you realize how secluded he really is. He works in the privacy of his study, only coming out for food. One morning, you wake up with a letter on your desk. It is from the Clockman.


Big Puzzle Guide:

TIME MACHINE: To activate the time machine, you need the aluminum rod from the attic. To get to the attic, find the ladder in the "balcony" level by throwing a chair or barrel at the closest window to break it. In that room you can find the ladder. You get to the attic, find the metal rod, and go back to the balcony. You then stick the metal rod in the pipe at the far left of the balcony. Once this is done, go back to the time machine room and the machine should start.

X MARKS THE DIG SITE: You need to find a hammer and a chipper, located in different rooms, and combine them in the inventory. To do so, drag one item over the other. With the chipper, you should have found a note telling you the location of where to dig. When you have the chammer (hammer and chipper) go to the dig site that was on the note and use the item on the ground. The place you dig is near a metal cabinet. After the digging, you should find a key on the ground.


There are TWO "Clockman"s, one being the father (edward) and one being this supposed demonic like being that created time. The Clockman represents time, and how time shifted Edward's mind into insanity. He built the time machine to go back in time because he was ashamed that he left his son and didn't want to confront him in the "now", so he wanted to go back to "then". Edward studied prolonging life by kidnapping people and turning them into his "Clock Slaves" and attaching clocks to their hearts. Again, he was insane.

The "Clockman" that isn't the father represents all of time. This is why at the end, no matter how hard you try, you can't run away from the clockman when he is chasing you. All you do is wait. Because one day, time will catch up to you. And sometimes, it will be sooner than expected. Abraham never wanted to connect back with his father. He thought that someday they would meet, so he never purposely tried talk with him. People sometimes push things back until tomorrow's tomorrow, but sometimes tomorrow won't happen.

To install:

Extract into „...Amnesia - The Dark Descent\redist\custom_stories".

  • Last update: Friday, September 6, 2019
  • Genre: Adventure
  • File size: 211.3 MB