Doom (1993) - PSX Doom for Vanilla Doom - Game mod - Download
The file PSX Doom for Vanilla Doom is a modification for Doom (1993), a(n) action game. Download for free.
File Type: Game mod
File Size: 2.3 MB
Last Update: Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Downloads: 798
Last 7 days: 1
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PSX Doom for Vanilla Doom is a mod for Doom (the original one), created by Kippykip.
Description (in author’s own words):
Here is a simple WAD that changes the PC doom in the style of the PSX version. Enjoy!
Title: PSX Doom HUD for Vanilla
Author: Kippykip
Year: 2016
Version: V1.3
Here is a simple WAD that changes the PC doom in the style of the PSX version.
The wad changes the:
- Hud
- Sounds
- Font
- Skull
- Weapon speeds
The HUD layout is changed to fit with the PC layout however.
It replaces all original sounds to the sounds from the PSX Port.
The WAD also uses a DeHackEd patch where it just changes the speed of the weapons to similar speeds from
the PSX port (PAL).
This WAD was intended for Vanilla Doom therefore it should be compatible with all sourceports!
There is also a PSXDoom Enhanced (PSXDoomEnhanced.wad) which has higher quality sounds,
a few sprite adjustments and blood spots!
However the enhanced wad needs a sourceport! (Due to extra graphics without importing everything from an IWAD)
It's possible to get the Enhanced one running in Vanilla Doom using some importing.
To run this mod use ZDoom.
- Last update: Tuesday, January 28, 2020
- Genre: Action
- File size: 2.3 MB