Doom (1993)
Release Date: December 10, 1993
Action, FPP, science fiction, FPS, shooters, splitscreen, Game Pass, very brutal, PS Plus Premium, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet, LAN
A first-person shooter set in a science fiction realm, created by id Software studio, previously known mainly for the arcade series Commander Keen and the groundbreaking Wolfenstein 3D. Action of Doom takes place in the near future, and players play the part of a cosmic Marine who, for insubordination, is sent to UAC corporation's secret research facility on Mars.
March 6, 2020
Aliens, Metallica and Gabe Newell – 7 Things You Didn't Know about Doom
You may be asking yourself the question: what kind of secrets could Doom hide after 30 years? It's a primitive game – a gun in the middle of the screen, a horde of demons to slaughter to heavy music. What could I even miss?

Videos and Screens
[4:35] Doom (1993) gameplay #1
Impulsegamer: 4.3 / 5 by Bennie Fulks
The best version of the classic Doom games and its portable.
Cubed3: 8 / 10
Doom's arrival on the wonderful system that is the Nintendo Switch is the perfect opportunity to be reminded of why it's such a fantastic experience despite its age. It's old-school FPS fun at its finest, and now you can carry it's dark corridors and hellish landscapes on the smallest of backpacks. Sadly, while the gameplay has been left intact, this version is far from the perfect port that it could be, due to a couple of odd omissions and changes - but at least it is super cheap (as it should).
GamingBolt: 9 / 10 by Ravi Sinha
DOOM 1 + DOOM 2 is simply one of the best video game compilations out there and an excellent tribute to id Software's legendary shooter.
Average score from 2575 votes.
Doom (1993) Description
Doom for PC, X360 and GBA is arguably the most famous first-person shooter in the history of computer entertainment. The game, although it was not the first representative of the FPS genre, put it on a pedestal and raised the standards for all companies trying to compete in this field.
In the near future, humanity has made a significant progress in the conquest of space; among other planets, we were able to colonize Mars and its two natural satellites: Phobos and Deimos. A military research facility was established on the surface of the Red Planet, intended to significantly contribute to further progress in the exploration of the solar system. The facility is controlled by UAC (Union Aerospace Corporation), which, on behalf of the army, quietly runs some super secret projects. Given the huge importance of the facility, permanently stationed on Mars is a large garrison of soldiers, able to respond quickly to any, even the most surprising, threats. Player plays the part of a member of a space division of marines who was sent to Mars to serve his punishment. A few months earlier, the soldier refused to obey a superior officer ordering him to shoot civilians, attacking him instead. The officer was sent in a coffin to be buried in Pearl Harbor, while you were waiting for a ship to take you to the Red Planet.
For a long time the UAC company has been experimenting with gates leading to other dimensions, intending them to become the means of ultra long distance space travel in the future. At first, everything went flawlessly and the company quickly managed to achieve satisfactory results. First items began to "journey" between Phobos and Deimos and similar experiments with living tissue were a matter of time; that's when the accident happened. Scientists from the base on Phobos sent a message that something terrible has escaped out of the gate and soon after the communications were lost. The military's response was swift. A squad of marines was dispatched to Phobos to conduct reconnaissance and eliminate any potential threat. You can guess who was ordered to lead them...
The problems begin in the hangar, the main gateway to the complex. Initially, your job was to hold the only escape route from the base, but after a few hours, it turned out that whatever seized the facility did not plan on leaving it anytime soon. Echoing cries of the murdered soldiers and uncontrolled shots from heavy automatic weapons were the best sign that something was definitely wrong. If you want to live, you have to enter the facility and survive. There is no other way...
Doom for PC, X360 and GBA is divided into three episodes, consisting of eight levels each. Including hidden stages, it gives a total of 27 levels. In every level you have to find an exit. It is often sealed by a door, to which you must first find a key of corresponding, one of three available, colors. Our hero is equipped with an impressive set of tools of destruction, including guns, rockets, energy weapons, bare fists and a chainsaw. Excluding the latter two, all other weapons require ammunition that can be found inside the complex. During the exploration, the player will also encounter a variety of bonuses to increase his life and armor. The number of enemies as well as their varied repertoire is are one of Dooms trademarks. Apart from ordinary soldiers who, thanks to an intervention from the outside, were turned into zombies, there are also beasts from hell, with fancy shapes and dreadful weaponry. At the end of each episode awaits a boss, whose extermination is necessary to complete the level and, in the long term, the whole mission.
The game had a phenomenal audiovisual setting. Its engine, although not fully three-dimensional, could generate sophisticated architectural constructs. A large number of tasteful textures (both futuristic as well as strictly hellish) allows the players to fully immerse themselves into the overwhelming atmosphere of doom. Another advantage is the game's sound setting, featuring suggestive sounds of weapons and monsters, as well as great, depressing music. The strength of Doom for PC, X360 and GBA lies not only in the carnage that can be unleashed on the screen, but above all in its claustrophobic atmosphere that many survival horrors can be jealous of.
Last updated on January 11, 2016
in Doom Game Series
Game Series
Doom Series
FPS series being one of the forerunners of the first-person shooter genre. The series was created by id Software studio and has, so to speak, three "fathers" - John Carmack, John Romero and Tom Hall. Nevertheless, over the years, teams such as Midway Games and Nerve Software have also been involved in its development. Although the series made its debut on personal computers, over time it began to make its presence increasingly clear also on consoles, as well as on mobile devices.
17 video games
Doom (1993) Summary
PC / Windows December 10, 1993
PlayStation 5 August 8, 2024
Xbox Series X/S August 8, 2024
Switch July 26, 2019
PlayStation 4 July 26, 2019
Xbox One July 26, 2019
Android OS July 26, 2019
Apple iOS October 31, 2009
Xbox 360 September 27, 2006
Game Boy Advance October 28, 2001
PlayStation 1 November 16, 1995
Developer: id Software
Publisher: id Software

Doom (1993) System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: PC 386, 8MB RAM
Game Boy Advance
Supports: link-cable additionally (GBA): link-cable
Xbox 360
Supports: Xbox Live

30 Years of Doom; Romero and Carmack Celebrated the Anniversary
Doom has turned 30 years old. Its co-creators, John Carmack and John Romero, celebrated the beautiful anniversary with a long, nostalgic onversation. The latter released the free Sigil 2, the unofficial sixth episode of Doom.
video games
Hubert Sledziewski
December 11, 2023
![Doom Rebuilt Using 1992 Game's 'Bible'; Check out Big Changes [Update]](https://cdn.gracza.pl/i_gp/h/16/405279310.jpg)
Doom Rebuilt Using 1992 Game's 'Bible'; Check out Big Changes [Update]
Doom: Fall of Tei Tenga is a mod recreating the original vision of the first gam in the iconic FPS series, according to a 1992 documentary.
Files and Mods
Jacob Blazewicz
December 1, 2022

Doom in Notepad is so Crazy Even John Romero is Impressed
Doom can even be played in Notepad and at 60 fps. John Romero is impressed, which may encourage other developers to implement more crazy ideas. The release of Doom.txt is just a few days away.
video games
Jakub Tarchala
October 10, 2022

CountryCide - New Version of Stunning Dark Mod for Doom 2
Version 1.1 of the excellent mod CountryCide has been released. Project takes the players to dark, dieselpunk universe enriched with elements of the Cthulhu mythos.
Files and Mods
Adrian Werner
April 19, 2022

30-year-old Doom is Getting Beautiful Thanks to Ray Tracing Mod
Doom with ray tracing enabled looks really good. No, I'm not talking about Doom Eternal or Doom from 2016. We are talking about the very first installment of the series, released almost thirty years ago.
Files and Mods
Hubert Sledziewski
April 5, 2022

Doom Playable on... Twitter; Meet Tweet2Doom
You can run Doom on anything. Even on a social network that looks nothing like an FPS gaming platform.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
October 19, 2021
Doom and Skyrim Launched on Pregnancy Test
A Twitter user known as foone decided to use a pregnancy test in a most unusual way. He used it to run two iconic games - Doom and Skyrim.
video games
Agnes Adamus
September 7, 2020
Doom and Doom II Get a Massive Updated Years After Release
As it turns out, even nearly thirty-year-old titles can expect big patches. Courtesy of Id Software, Doom and Doom II have just received a lot of updates that touch both the technical aspects and the gameplay itself.
video games
Conrad Hazi
September 5, 2020
Doom Eternal Launches; First Two Installments Hidden In Game
Doom Eternal has launched. It turns out that it hides the full versions of the first two installments of the cycle, namely Doom and Doom II: Hell on Earth. In addition, Nvidia and AMD released updated drivers for GeForce and Radeon GPUs.
video games
Adrian Werner
March 20, 2020
Classic Doom Launched on McDonald's Cash Register
A certain 19-year-old managed to launch 1993 Doom on McDonald's electronic cash register. He did it in a few simple steps and now plans to launch Sonic Adventure 2 on his „custom gaming device”.
video games
Paul Wozniak
October 2, 2019