Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Galaxy at War: Battle of Half-Axe Pass v.11022019 - Game mod - Download
The file Galaxy at War: Battle of Half-Axe Pass v.11022019 is a modification for Men of War: Assault Squad 2, a(n) strategy game. Download for free.
File Type: Game mod
File Size: 981.1 KB
Last Update: Friday, November 29, 2019
Downloads: 611
Last 7 days: 0
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Galaxy at War: Battle of Half-Axe Pass is a mod for Men of War: Assault Squad 2, created by ploovonik.
A new map for popular Galaxy at War Mod.
Date: 19 BBY The Battle of Half-Axe Pass took place during the last years of the Clone Wars during the Great Jedi Purge on the lush jungle planet of New Plympto. The goal was to completely wipe out the native Nosaurian race. The battle would result in an Imperial victory, with almost no resistance afterwards. But would later become under the control of Yuuzhan-Vong. New Plympto joined CIS because of their shattering economy during the Clone Wars. Joining primarily because they were also promised that the Rikknit Egg market would be revived. New Plympto would still be under the control of the Empire until the era of the New Republic.
1.First make sure you have Galaxy At War installed.
2.Then extract the archive with Galaxy at War: Battle of Half-Axe Pass into „Men of War Assault Squad 2\resource\map”
3.Load the map through editor.
- Last update: Friday, November 29, 2019
- Genre: Strategy
- File size: 981.1 KB