Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Operation Iron Ore v.9082017 - Game mod - Download

The file Operation Iron Ore v.9082017 is a modification for Men of War: Assault Squad 2, a(n) strategy game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 38.8 MB

Last Update: Sunday, October 6, 2019

Downloads: 1898

Last 7 days: 1

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Operation Iron Ore is a mod for Men of War: Assault Squad 2, created by Jummixe,


This mission tells us the story about an episode occured during Allied retake of Maginot line near Lille city, France. Allied commandment decided to hold these newly taken positions with freshly formed division. The idea was that the Maginot line fortifications would be enough, even if the axis would decide to counter-attack. But, as the Axis have started to gather huge forces here, in preparation to attack, division headquaters immediately asked for reinforcements. Unlucky, as the officer of American recon forces, you appeared to be the one to help them to survive this night.

The mission virtually consist of 3 sub-missions, more than 2000 troops from both sides. Depending on your style of playing, all of the tasks can be action-packed, as well as you can just stay aside, observing allies struggles to hold Germans off. This misiion is all about decision-making. All of your actions affects the state of allied defence. Failed to protect aa? - Deal with the Luftwaffe. Spend some time doing nothing? - Germans are already here to remind you who you are. You are just a part of defence, but very important part. Axis aim is not to destroy your small company, but to break through defence.

They will recapture your artillery, then they will blow everything up, flank you, attack from different directions. They call an artillery strike devastating your carefully prepared defence in few seconds? - Yes, this mission is not fair.

Still, it doesn't mean that your allies are dumbs. They will eventually send you additional forces when you think everything is gone, they will do everything to fight germans back and to assist you.

This mission is so huge you would probably need a good computer to play it without lags. Activate mod in your options, and that's is it! Also, the amount of randomness in this mission is so high, sometimes, replaying is the only way to win. :^)


Extract to „mods” folder.

  • Last update: Sunday, October 6, 2019
  • Genre: Strategy
  • File size: 38.8 MB