The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Gwent Plus Plus v.1.2 - Game mod - Download

The file Gwent Plus Plus v.1.2 is a modification for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 1.7 MB

Last Update: Saturday, January 21, 2017

Downloads: 10626

Last 7 days: 3

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Gwent Plus Plus is a mod for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, created by NutellaPhreak.

Description (in author’s own words)

This mod aims to improve Gwent.


More Abilities: Adds card abilities to more cards in interesting new ways, making Gwent a more exciting and strategic game.

New Cards: Brand new cards including a Doppler spy, Nekker warrior, and more to come!

Lore-Friendly: I've used what I've learned from hours of lore research to make every card's strength and ability fit the lore as best as possible.

Balanced Decks: All 5 decks have been balanced to create a more fair playing field.

Informative Descriptions: Card descriptions now explain possibly confusing card abilities. This feature is optional.

Restore Textures: Restores the missing textures for duplicate cards, for real this time :P (doesn't work on cards you've already found)

Note: I highly recommend setting your Gwent difficult to high in the game's options for the best experience.

Note: The black boxes under the cards might give false information. Sadly, I cannot change these boxes. For example: the pirate's box says he has the scorch ability, but his description says he summons Holger Blackhand. The description is correct, trust the descriptions, not the black boxes.


Gwent Plus Plus adds some new cards, and changes which cards are available in the starting deck.

This means that if you want to use the mod on an existing save, you'll need to help GPP get you the right cards.

Note: If you already did one of these options, then you updated to a newer version of GPP, you don't need to do it again because you should already have the right cards.

Once you install the mod, choose option 1, 2, OR 3 (only choose 1 option):

Option 1: start a new game or new game plus

I recommend this option because it requires no extra work, and sets everything up perfectly.

This is the only option that will restore every texture, however, the other options will still restore some of the textures.

The only downside to this option is that you have to start a new game.

If you choose this option, do not buy any cards from Yoana the blacksmith, her cards are only for those who chose option 2.

Option 2: buy the missing cards from a shop

Yoana the blacksmith at Crow's Perch will sell you the cards that were added to the new starting deck. Because you didn't start a new game, you're still using the old starting deck.

Buy the Kaedweni Ballista Expert from Yoana.

Buy the Kaedweni Trebuchet Expert from Yoana.

Buy the Siege Tower from Yoana.

Catapults: These are no longer available in stores, but you might have already purchased 1 or 2. Only buy Yoana's Catapults until you have 2.

Ballistas: The vanilla game should have given you 2, but it might have bugged and given you 1. If you only have 1 Ballista, buy Yoana's Ballista.

GPP moves some of the cards in the vanilla starting deck to shops. In order to stay true to the game, limit yourself to using only 1 Sile, 1 Keira, 2 Trebuchets, 1 of each kaedweni Expert, and 3 Blue Stripes Commandos.

The downside of this option is that you will have a few more cards than you're supposed to, and not all the textures will be restored.

Option 3: use my function from the debug console

This option requires that you have the debug console enabled. I recommend using the Debug Console Enabler v1.22 mod.

Once you have enabled the debug console, open the console in game using the ~ key, and enter the following command: updategpp

This will essentially update you to the new starting deck, adding and removing certain cards.

It will only remove 4 cards which are now available at stores throughout the game (locations are listed below).

The downside of this option is that it requires the debug console, and not all the textures will be restored.

If you choose this option, do not buy any cards from Yoana the blacksmith, her cards are only for those who chose option 2.

Only use the "updategpp" command once, right after you install the mod.

Locations of Moved Cards: If you chose option 1 or 3, the only way to get these cards is to buy them from the following shops. If you chose option 2, you might already have some of these cards. Reference the "limits" that I recommended in the option 2 section.

Sile: the Passiflora in Novigrad

Trebuchet #2: the Passiflora in Novigrad

Keira: the merchant at Midcopse

Blue Stripes Commando #3: the Baron's Quartermaster at Crow's Perch

  • Last update: Saturday, January 21, 2017
  • Genre: RPG
  • File size: 1.7 MB