The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Lore-friendly Witchers: True Mutantism v.0.6 - Game mod - Download
The file Lore-friendly Witchers: True Mutantism v.0.6 is a modification for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.
File Type: Game mod
File Size: 23.1 MB
Last Update: Saturday, January 21, 2017
Downloads: 10109
Last 7 days: 10
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Lore-friendly Witchers: True Mutantism is a mod for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, created by DazzlingDjango.
This modification series aims for a more lore-friendly appearance of Geralt and the other witchers. By "lore" I mean the previous games, references in the current game itself and Andrzej Sapkowski's books. So far, three mods have been realized:
True Mutantism turns Geralt into the sickly-looking mutant he should be. Geralt is repeatedly called "mutant scum" or "pale as an oaty shite" in The Witcher 3. Yet, he doesn't look like a mutant at all apart from his white hair. In fact, his complexion is healthier than that of most NPCs. Furthermore, his eyebrows don't match his hair and beard color. This mod fixes these inconsistencies leading to a look closer to that one of the first game. In detail, the mod:
Makes Geralt's skin paler
Matches the color of his (previously black) eyebrows correctly with his hair
Adds a small gap in his left eyebrow to make his scar look more realistic
Slightly increases the visibility of his eye circles
Adds barely visible veins on his face
If you have only the base game copy „modGerskin” into „Mods” folder.
If you have add-on Hearts of Stone then copy both „modGerskin” and „modGerskinHoS” into „Mods”
- Last update: Saturday, January 21, 2017
- Genre: RPG
- File size: 23.1 MB