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Destiny 2: The Witch Queen news and interesting facts

Elden Ring Tops on Steam and Collects Inreasingly Better Ratings

Adrian Werner, 28 February 2022, 10:08

Elden Ring was Steam's biggest bestseller last week, taking up to four spots in the top five. The game's reception among the website's users is also improving.

Destiny 2's Controversial DLC Dungeon Sales Model Misleads Players

Artur Flaga, 20 October 2021, 21:11

A drama has exploded in the Destiny 2 community. Players feel cheated by the distribution model of the game's two new dungeons due to misinformation on Bungie's part.

Destiny 2 Devs Recap The Year; New Features to be Announced Soon

Hubert Sledziewski, 17 August 2021, 18:30

Bungie released a trailer summarizing the events taking place in Destiny 2 over the past nine months. The developers have laso announced a presentation for next week, presenting what awaits us next year.