F-Zero 99
Release Date: September 14, 2023
Racing, online, battle royale, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet
A special, multiplayer version of F-Zero, a 1990 racing game. F-Zero 99 features ninety-nine players competing against each other in fast-paced, futuristic races.
F-Zero 99 is a multiplayer racing game based on 1990's F-Zero. It was developed by Nintendo.
F-Zero 99 has us participating in futuristic races on many winding, twisted tracks. We compete against ninety-eight other players at once, meaning every single race is pure chaos. To come out on top, we must squeeze our way past the other players, pick up power-ups and make good use of our energy supplies.
Energy has two uses. It can be spent to boost our speed beyond the regular limit, but it also represents our health, and we'll explode if it runs out. As for power-ups - collisions create Super Sparks, which raise our special bar when collected. Once it's full, we can temporarily ascend to the Skyway, an empty track above the regular track, on which we can easily overtake our competitors.
As we ascend to higher ranks, we unlock various cosmetics for our car, such as new colors, stickers, effects, Or backgrounds and badges to use on our profile.
Game modes
F-Zero 99 was designed with multiplayer in mind. In addition to the basic mode, in which 99 players compete against each other, there are also Grand Prix and Mini Prix - a series of races - team battles and Pro Tracks. If we'd rather play alone, we can only train in practice mode and race against our own "ghosts".
Technical aspects
F-Zero 99 is heavily reminiscent of the original game, featuring 16-bit visuals and audio.
Videos and Screens
[1:44] F-Zero 99 trailer #1