Sniper Elite 5 Game Score
This page contains scores of Sniper Elite 5. Total Score consists of the Average Users' Score, the Editors' Score, and the Experts' Score. Average User Score is an average of all scores given by the players on our websites. Editors' Score is a rating given by the editors of Experts' Score is an average of all scores given by our associated pro gamers. Users' Expectations are the expectations of gamers before the release of the game. Sniper Elite 5 is available for PC PS4 XONE PS5.
PC Game Score of Sniper Elite 5
Total Score
Average of Users' Score, Editors' Score and Experts' Score.
Your Score
current position 187 out of 55122
current position 87 out of 18962
current position 69 out of 13712
Average User Score
Score after release out of 131 votes
Editor's Score
Our Editor's point of view.
Users' Expectations
User expectations prior to release
Sniper Elite 5 Review: Sharp Shooter
Review 25 May 2022
Sniper Elite 5 takes Karl Fairburne to the French countryside to thwart some Nazi plans once more. Gameplay improvements and new features make this installment feel familiar but still just as fun.
PS5 Game Score of Sniper Elite 5
Total Score
Average of Users' Score, Editors' Score and Experts' Score.
Your Score
current position 231 out of 55122
current position 28 out of 1569
current position 91 out of 13712
Average User Score
Score after release out of 44 votes
Editor's Score
Our Editor's point of view.
Expert's Score
Additional score by our pro gamers.
Users' Expectations
User expectations prior to release
XSX Game Score of Sniper Elite 5
Total Score
Average of Users' Score, Editors' Score and Experts' Score.
Your Score
current position 232 out of 55122
current position 24 out of 1417
current position 92 out of 13712
Average User Score
Score after release out of 35 votes
XONE Game Score of Sniper Elite 5
Total Score
Average of Users' Score, Editors' Score and Experts' Score.
Your Score
current position 235 out of 55122
current position 23 out of 4216
current position 95 out of 13712
Average User Score
Score after release out of 31 votes
Users' Expectations
User expectations prior to release
PS4 Game Score of Sniper Elite 5
Total Score
Average of Users' Score, Editors' Score and Experts' Score.
Your Score
current position 247 out of 55122
current position 35 out of 5098
current position 104 out of 13712
Average User Score
Score after release out of 34 votes
Users' Expectations
User expectations prior to release