Operation Stealth is the second adventure game after Future Wars: Adventures in Time by Delphine Software from the Cinematique series, characterized by the use of the "point & click" interface, which at the beginning of the nineties was still a rarity.
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Operation Stealth Description
Operation Stealth is the second adventure game after Future Wars: Adventures in Time by Delphine Software from the Cinematique series, characterized by the use of the "point & click" interface, which at the beginning of the nineties was still a rarity.
The main character of the game is a secret agent John Glames, who sets off on a delicate mission to the Santa Paragua banana republic. The American intelligence suspects that it is here that a new generation fighter, equipped with a huge amount of futuristic and priceless technologies for every army in the world, has been hidden. Of course, it is the player's task - because it is he who plays the role of Glames - to find the said plane and make sure that it does not get into the wrong hands. Terrorists could benefit from it a lot. As befits a real secret agent, Glames was equipped with several very useful and unparalleled toys. Sending messages using an electric shaver, a machine to produce false passports, hidden in the double bottom of suitcases - these and other fancy gadgets will be used many times.
The user interface is built on the basis of several commands, which will allow you to freely manipulate objects, both those in your possession and those in your immediate vicinity. Despite its apparent simplicity, using the services of the pop-up menu (drop-down right mouse button) can be a bit frustrating. Nothing has changed since Future Wars: Adventures in Time. On the other hand, the visual setting has significantly improved. At first glance, you can see that the graphic designers from Delphine Software have exploited the potential of VGA cards and created a colorful world in the South American republic.
The biggest drawback of this program is the script. The game is short, but murderously difficult. When solving subsequent riddles, remember that John Glames is a James Bond spy and without using strange gadgets, whose destiny we can only guess, there is nothing to dream of developing the action. The reference to the leading agent of Her Majesty's Royal Highness was not accidental. Interplay, which distributed the game in North America, took a license to use the identity of a famous spy and released the same program under the much-loving title of James Bond: The Stealth Affair. Of course, the name of the main character, as well as his companions, has been changed to match the series of films based on Ian Fleming's short stories.
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Last updated on August 14, 2015
Operation Stealth Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Delphine Software
Publisher: Interplay Entertainment
Age restrictions: 12+