A 2D platformer game developed by FDG Entertainment, inspired by the classics of the 8-bit era. The story of Venture Kid revolves around a crazy scientist called Teklov who wishes to take over the control of our planet by means of a grand space fortress. A small boy by the name of Andy, who tries to thwart Teklov’s evil plans, turns out to be humanity’s last hope.
Videos and Screens
[0:29] Venture Kid trailer
Venture Kid Description
Venture Kid is a 2D retro platformer released for PC, iOS, etc. The game was developed by FDG Mobile Games and it is a premium product meaning it has no microtransactions.
The story of Venture Kid revolves around a crazy scientist named Teklov, who began building a cosmic fortress. The villain's plan is simple - he convinced everyone that equipping this megastructure with powerful weaponry will make it possible to bring peace to the world. He did not mention, however, that he intended to achieve this goal by taking full control of the planet. The last hope of mankind is the boy named Andy who tries to thwart Teklov's ambitions.
Venture Kid is modelled on 8-bit console platformers, especially on the Mega Man series. While playing, we explore large 2D levels with a partially open structure, which have been densely filled with traps and secrets. Maps are also swarming with enemies, both standard and more powerful ones. We fight them using a large arsenal of weapons, and we can also help ourselves by unlocking eight different character upgrades.
Technical aspects
All this was done in a retro style full of large pixels and provided with a soundtrack composed by Matt Creamer. The game offers great controls via the touch interface, but also has the option of using controllers.
Last updated on December 18, 2019
Venture Kid Summary
PC / Windows May 3, 2018
Switch May 2, 2019
Android OS cancelled
Apple iOS January 13, 2016
Developer: FDG Mobile Games
Publisher: FDG Entertainment
Age restrictions: 12+
Venture Kid System Requirements
PC / Windows
Minimum: Dual Core 2.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, graphic card 512 MB GeForce 8800 or better, 50 MB HDD, Windows XP SP2