Wlatcy Moch: Olimpiada Podworkowa

Wlatcy Moch: Olimpiada Podworkowa


Release Date: May 15, 2009

Arcade, 2D, summer sports, Polish, singleplayer

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Wlatcy Móch: The Backyard Olympics is a collection of arcade mini-games with the participation of characters known from the popular animated series. Czesio, Maslana, Konieczko and Anusiak take part in the struggle for the title of the best sportsman of their school. Players can test their skills in verbal fencing, shoe throwing, shooting at second-classics and knocking down windows.

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Wlatcy Moch: Olimpiada Podworkowa Summary


PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Developer: Red Dot Games

Publisher: Nicolas Games

Age restrictions: none