Zombie Driver

Zombie Driver


Release Date: December 4, 2009

Arcade, cars, zombie, Polish, top-down, indie games, singleplayer



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Zombie Driver is a car arcade game, a gameplay style reminiscent of the age-old Carmagedton - here, too, we sit behind the wheel of a powerful vehicle wreaking havoc, but this time among zombies trying to make our hero a snack.

Videos and Screens

[1:28] Zombie Driver HD XOne launch trailer

[1:51] Zombie Driver HD launch trailer

Zombie Driver HD Summary


PC / Windows

PC / Windows December 4, 2009


Switch July 25, 2019

PlayStation 4

PlayStation 4 August 14, 2020

Xbox One

Xbox One July 1, 2014

PlayStation 3

PlayStation 3 October 30, 2012

Xbox 360

Xbox 360 October 17, 2012

Developer: Exor Studios

Publisher: Exor Studios

Zombie Driver HD System Requirements

PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Recommended: Pentium 4 1.6 GHz, 1 GB RAM, graphic card 128 MB, 600 MB HDD, Windows XP/Vista/7

Microsoft Xbox 360

Xbox 360

Supports: Xbox Live

Sony PlayStation 3

PlayStation 3

Supports: Playstation Network

Microsoft XBOX ONE

Xbox One

Supports: Xbox Live

DLCs for Zombie Driver HD

Summer of Slaughter


July 23, 2011