How to Remove Zone in Cities Skylines 2
Zones are the most important part of Cities Skylines 2. Sometimes you will have to change your city layout. From this guide you can learn how to delate a zone.

Do you want to know more about Cities Skylines 2. The newest Colossal Order city builder is quite complex. In this guide we would like to talk about zones. They are an important element of CS2. They allow you to develop your settlement and earn tax revenue. However, you may have to remove one of zones if it is placed incorrectly. In this guide you will learn how to do this.
Zones in Cities Skylines 2
Zones are the most important element in Cities Skylines 2, because they allow you to choose where specific types of buildings will be located. Like in previous instalment of the series, maps are divided into small squares. Thanks to that, creating zones is quite easy. However, you have to remember that you can only put a zone close to the roads.
In Cities Skylines 2 there are 5 zone types:
- Residential – provides various types of houses.
- Commercial – offers businesses and services, where people can buy goods.
- Industrial – produces goods for commercial zones.
- Specialized industry – extracts natural resources.
- Office – produces immaterial goods like software or telecom.
How to remove zone in Cities Skylines 2
Deleting a zone is quite easy. You must enter the zone menu, hover the cursor over the chosen location and press the right mouse button.
- If "fill" is selected, then you will remove the zone from the entire area.
- If you pick one of the other two options, then you must manually choose the area to be deleted.
Eventually, you can replace zone with another. To do so, you must put new zone on the old one.
If you are interested in Cities Skylines 2 then I recommend you to read our previous guides.