Persona 3 - Property of Electricity Relevant to Superconductivity Explained
Persona 3 Reload features many interesting and difficult questions. One of them is “Which property of electricity is relevant to superconductivity?”. This guide provides the answer to this problem.

Questions in Persona 3 Reload can be really difficult and surprising. They are connected with various aspects of general and sometimes not so common knowledge. One of them is related to electricity. At some point of your school life you will be asked “Which property of electricity is relevant to superconductivity” question. In this guide you can find the answer.
Persona 3 Reload - Which property of electricity is relevant to superconductivity?
Exam and classroom questions can be difficult. As you already know, the one presented below is only one of many enquiries in the game. If you want to learn all answers, you should visit our separate article.
Summer holidays are fun, but you have to go back to school at some point. With the beginning of classes, on 1 September you may expect this question:
- Question: Which property of electricity is relevant to superconductivity?
- Answer: Resistance.
As you might have already guessed, you should remember this class, as it will be on the test in the future. One of the questions during September Exam is also about electricity.
- Question: What happens when electrical resistance reaches zero? Hint: It was the word I used to confess my love to someone.
- Answer: Superconductivity.
If you want to learn more about Persona 3 Reload, read also:
- Persona 3 Reload - Chubby Student Gourmet Quiz Answers
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- Persona 3 Reload - Max Level and Persona Limit Explained
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