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How Many People Are Named After Leage of Legends Characters?

Szymon Orzeszek, 19 February 2024, 08:52

A name is one of the most important things we have in life, around which, one might say, we build our brand. Some people are proud of theirs, while others change it whenever they have the opportunity. Guess which group someone whose parents named him Blitzcrank might belong to.

Does LoL Have 'Losers Queue'? Devs Finally Explain Myth

Zbigniew Woznicki, 13 February 2024, 03:42

League of Legends chief gameplay designer Matt Leung-Harrison has clarified that the 'losers queue' does not exist. The game's community was quick to react to the post and doesn't seem to fully believe the assurances.

Baldur's Gate 3 Contains a Ton of Hidden Content Easy to Overlook, Fans Come to Rescue

Michal Serwicki, 05 February 2024, 01:44

How much can you miss in Baldur's Gate 3? According to fans, really quite a lot, and not so much through inattention, but sheer lack of knowledge. Players list the plots and moments they missed on their first attempt, and the list is really quite large.

RDR2 Fans Got a Reality Check; Yes, Pinkerton Agency is Real

Alina Partytska, 26 April 2023, 14:34

The Pinkerton Detective Agency, which is part of the plot of Red Dead Redemption 2, exists in the modern world. This came as a big shock to many players.