Episode 204: Chariots of The Dogs - part 4 | Episode 204:
Chariots of The Dogs
S&M: S2 Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Firstly, take care of Old Mariachi - Pedro. Go to Oval Office and use carbon dater on Agent Superball. You will get time card that will take you to your office in the past. Go there. Talk to Agent Superball and take Boxing Betty controller (you will get egg for it). Use the cork on volcano.
Go to IFC and one more time look at bulletin board. Pick up Mariachi's obituary - this time it's readable. Show it to Pedro.
Take printer's ink and go to central computer in elevator room. Ask for print Embarrassing Idol Time card one more time. This time it will be empty.
Use it on elevator. You will travel to beginning of the universe. Mr. Featherly! Use egg on him and go back to Pedro - show him the chicken.
If you want to get rid off Listening Mariachi, someone must have birthdays. Look at time cards in elevator - on each one there is scanned person's date of birth. Go to oval office. Look at big calendar and move "TODAY" card on 6th of September. Now talk to Agent Superball and ask about his birthdays. Listening Mariachi appears. Quickly get to elevator until Mariachi stop playing.
Now move to Embarrassing Idol studio. Talk to Sam & Max. Tell them to go to Agent Superball - he will erase them memory.
Talk to them again. Choose from the answers:
- You need to get a clue
- We've got one
Now you have music contract. Give it to Captain Mariachi.
Now all three Mariachi are gone. You can go and rescue Bosco. Press the Bridge Button.
Now go to soul crushing control panel. Press soul crushing button and use tar cake sample on the clock. Click on Bosco's body and run through Bermuda Triangle.
End of episode four.