Episode 205: What's New, Beelzebub? - part 2 | Episode 205:
What's New, Beelzebub?
S&M: S2 Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Talk to Hugh Bliss (see the list of censored words and magnets). Now go to Brady Culture and have a word with him. Take his keycard.
Now look around Hell. See the clock, calendar, writings near Hugh and the kitchen. There is a bulletin board, Mr. Spatula, microwave, and write above sink.
There is also conference room near the kitchen
Go right to Sam & Max's room.
Look around. Check file cabinets, plaque and dioramas. Click on every diorama to see what it contains.
Use keycard on card reader and click on Bosco's diorama (theater). Talk to naked Bosco and to every demon (Momma Bosco, Sybil and Pedro). Pick up Nitro Oxide and leave diorama clicking on icon at right bottom side of monitor.
Now use Nitro Oxide on Desoto diorama and go through. While driving, try to jump from quarter half-pipe (use nitro) to theater window.
Now go back to hell and see Satan. He don't want talk to you.
Go back to Sam & Max room and enter Santa's diorama. Talk to him. See demon babies, gift and picture on gift's dispenser monitor.