List of technologies in Surviving Mars


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This chapter provides a list of all the technologies. The order technologies have been presented on this may differ from the one in the game (at the same time, their cost may also be slightly different). The tree of breakthroughs will always be different as sets are always randomized.

Note some of the technologies here. For example, technologies where there are names provided in parenthesis, such as "hygroscopic film" or "rejuvenation treatment" mean that these are upgrades that can be installed in those buildings. This means that not only you have to research the technology for its functioning - but you also have to spend resources on installing the upgrades.




Low-G fungi

New building - fungal farm. Research cost: 1 000 points.

Water purification

New spire building -water treatment plant. Research cost: 1 000 points.

Hygroscopic separators

An upgraded version of the separator (hygroscopic film) - water production higher by 50%. Research cost: 1 500 points.

Magnetic filtration

An upgraded version of MAGETLEN (magnetic filtration) - oxygen production higher by 50%. Research cost: 1 500 points.

Soil adaptation

New building - farm. Research cost: 2 000 points.

Utility crops

In hydroponic and regular farms, it unlocks new crops that produce oxygen and improve on the quality of soil.

Martianborn adaptability

Martians (colonists born on Mars), graduate from universities and end their stays in sanatoriums faster. Also, they stand a higher chance of obtaining perks at school. Research cost: 3 000 points.

Biome bioscaping

Living quarters in basic biomes become more comfortable. Research cost: 3 000 points.

Microgravity medicine

New spire building- medical center. Research cost: 4 500 points.

Biome engineering

Farms increase comfort of all living quarters within the dome. Research cost: 4 500 points.

Gene adaptation

In hydroponic and regular farms, it unlocks new crops and increases their food production.

Research cost: 7 000 points.

Rejuvenation treatment

Improves the infirmary and the medical center (rejuvenation treatment) - it increases comfort and improves on visiting colonists' relaxation and stress relief. Research cost: 7 000 points.

Stem reconstruction

Delays retirement age and death in aging colonists

Research cost: 10 000 points.

Water conservation

Water consumption in domes drops by 50%. Research cost: 10 000 points.

Holographic scanning

Improves the medical center (holographic scanner) - increases birth rate within the dome. Research cost: 15 000 points.

Farm automation

Upgrade to regular farms, hydroponic farms and fungal farms: automation - decreases the number of required staff. Research cost: 15 000 points.

Moisture farming

New building - moisture separator - obtains water from the atmosphere. Does not work during dust storms. Research cost: 20 000 points.

Hanging gardens

New spire building - hanging gardens - a beautiful complex of gardens that increases comfort of all dome occupants. Research cost: 20 000 points.

Localized terraforming

New wonder - Geoscape dome - a fragment of Earth on Mars providing high comfort and increasing sanity of inhabitants on a daily basis. Research cost: 20 000 points.




Advanced Martian engines

Rockets and shuttles require less fuel. Research cost: 1 000 points.

Low-G High rise

New building - apartments - a residential building, which houses many colonists. Research cost: 1 000 points.

Low-G hydrosynthesis

New building - polymer factory - Produces polymers, using water and fuel.

New building - fuel factory - produces fuel, using water. Research cost: 1 500 points.

Decommission protocol

Allows removal of utilized and damaged buildings. Research cost: 1 500 points.

Fuel compression

Rocket cargo capability +10 000 kg. Research cost: 2 000 points.


New building - electronics factory - produces electronics from rare metals. Research cost: 2 000 points.

Storage compression

More storage space for water, oxygen and energy by 50%. Research cost: 3 000 points.

Smart home

New buildings - smart houses and smart housing complex - they make comfortable residential buildings. During rest, occupants regenerate sanity. Research cost: 3 000 points.

Low-G engineering

New biodome - medium - a medium-sized dome. Research cost: 4 500 points.

Sustainable architecture

In-dome buildings require less frequent maintenance.

Research cost: 4 500 points.

Compact passenger module

Passenger rockets can carry 10 more colonists. Research cost: 7 000 points.


New spire building - arcology - provides comfortable living space for many colonists. Research cost: 7 000 points.

Mars Noveau

Erecting buildings (with the exception of biodomes) requires 20% less metal and cement. Research cost: 10 000 points.

Waste rock liquefaction

Drones can extract cement from waste rocks stored in dumping sites. Research cost: 10 000 points.

Resilient architecture

Out-dome buildings require less frequent maintenance. Research cost: 15 000 points.

Advanced passenger module

Passenger rockets can hold 10 colonists more. Research cost: 15 000 points.

Plasma cutters

Increases the performance of the rare metals extractor by 50%. Research cost: 20 000 points.

Gravity engineering

New mega biodome - the most advanced and the largest type of dome. Research cost: 20 000 points.

Orbital engineering

Wonder - space elevator - exports rare metals to the earth and provides supply and prefabs at discount prices. Research cost: 20 000 points.





Low-G drive

Drones and rovers move 25% faster. Research cost: 1 000 points.

Drone Swarm

Drone hubs are provided with additional 2 drones and their maximum number is increased by 80. Research cost: 1 000 points.

Explorer AI

Generates 100 research points per sol per each RC explorer. Increased number of vehicles results in problems in collaboration. Research cost: 1 500 points.

Transport optimization

RC trucks mine for resources fasters and have cargo capacity larger by 15. Research cost: 1 500 points.

Drone hub

New building - it controls drones and dispatches them to various works. Research cost: 2 000 points.

Rover Command AI

RC rovers no longer require recharging, they start with 4 additional drones and their command limit is increased by 12. Research cost: 2 000 points.

Battery optimization

Drone battery capacity is increased by 50%. Research cost: 3 000 points.

Drone printing

New building - drone assembly line - builds drone prefabs using electronics, thanks to which drone hubs can produce new drones. Research cost: 3 000 points.

3D machining

New building - machine parts factory - produces machine parts from metals. Research cost: 4 500 points.

CO2 propulsion

New building - shuttle hub - houses and fuels jets that allow long-distance transport of resources between storages and distribution of colonists between domes. Research cost: 4 500 points.

Factory AI

Factory upgrade (Factory AI) - performance higher by 20%. Research cost: 7 000 points.

Martian aerodynamics

Speed of shuttles higher by 33%. Research cost: 7 000 points.

Fueled extractors

Extractor drive upgrade - +30% to production as long as the building is supplied with fuel. Research cost: 10 000 points.

Rover printing

Allows you to build RC rovers, RC trucks and RC explorers. Research cost: 10 000 points.

High-powered jets

Shuttle cargo hold larger by 3. Research cost: 15 000 points.

Compact hangars

Maximum number of shuttles that can be housed by hubs increases by 4. Research cost: 15 000 points.

The Martian network

New spire building - network node - increases the performance of all research laboratories and scikentific institutes in the hub. Research cost: 20 000 points.

Moho project

Wonder - Moho mine - mines for metals, rare metals and waste rock without the necessity for deposits and provides heat for the neighborhood. Research cost: 20 000 points.

Large-scale extraction

Wonder - Extractor - extracts cement from Martian soil, without the need for deposits. Research cost: 20 000 points.




Extractor amplification

Amplification of extractors - increases production by 25% and energy consumption by 10. Research cost: 1 000 points.

Low-G turbines

Water turbine upgrade (polymer blades) - production of energy higher by 33%. Research cost: 1 000 points.

Adapted probes

Probes are cheaper and they can perform deep scanning. Research cost: 1 500 points.

Autonomous sensors

Sensor towers do not require recharging, nor maintenance. Research cost: 1 500 points.

Subsurface heating

New building - subsurface heater - increases temperature in cool zones and protects nearby buildings against waves of cold. Consumes water. Research cost: 2 000 points.

Stirling Generator

New building - produces energy. In the closed state, it is protected from dust ingress, but it produces less energy. Research cost: 2 000 points.

Dust repulsion

Solar panels are gradually cleaned from dust, when closed, which decreases the required maintenance frequency. Research cost: 3 000 points.

Factory amplification

Factory upgrade - increases production by 25%, and increases energy consumption by 20. Research cost: 3 000 points.

Atomic accumulator

New building - stores electricity. Has large capacity, but it charges slowly. Research cost: 4 500 points.

Deep scanning

Sectors can now be scanned again for deep deposits. Exploiting these deposits requires additional technologies Research cost: 4 500 points.

Nuclear fusion

New Building: Fusion Reactor - Generates Power. Out-Dome building which requires Workers to operate Research cost: 7 000 points.

Deep water extraction

You can now exploit deep water deposits Research cost: 7 000 points.

Meteor defense system

New Building: MDS Laser - Destroys falling meteors within range. Research cost: 10 000 points.

Research amplification

Research Labs, Science Institutes and the Network Node upgrade (Amplify) - Increases production by 25% but also increases Power consumption. Research cost: 10 000 points.

Triboelectric scrubbing

New Building: Triboelectric Scrubber - Emits pulses which reduce dust accumulated on buildings within range. Research cost: 15 000 points.

Fusion autoregulation

Fusion Reactor upgrade (Auto-regulator) - reduces the number of required workers.

. Research cost: 15 000 points.

Deep metal extraction

Can exploit deep deposits of metal and rare metals. Research cost: 20 000 points.

Micro fusion

Wonder: Artificial Sun - Produces colossal amounts of Power. It provides light for nearby Solar panels during the dark hours and provides heat for the surrounding area. Consumes large amounts of water on startup. Research cost: 20 000 points.

Interplanetary astronomy

Wonder: Omega Telescope - provides access to new breakthrough Technologies and boosts research. Research cost: 20 000 points.




Systematic training

Scientists and Botanists receive +10 performance when working in their specialty. Research cost: 1 000 points.

Earth-Mars initiative

Increases research provided by sponsor by 100. Research cost: 1 000 points.

Mars crowdfunding

Receive a one-time grant of $1000 M. Research cost: 1 500 points.

Productivity training

Engineers and Geologists receive +10 performance when working in their specialty. Research cost: 1 500 points.

"Live from Mars"

More volunteers will start to appear on Earth. Research cost: 2 000 points.

Martian education

New Building: Mars University - Trains scientists, geologists, botanists, Medics, engineers or Security specialists. Research cost: 2 000 points.

General training

Colonists without the proper specialization suffer a lower work penalty. Research cost: 3 000 points.

Martian patents

License Martian copyrights for use back on Earth. Earn $2000 M. This technology is repeatable and can be researched multiple times . Research cost: 3 000 points.

Supportive community

Lowers the risk of colonists developing flaws after sanity breakdowns. Research cost: 4 500 points.

Emergency training

Security officers and medics receive +10 performance when working in their specialty. Research cost 4 500 points.

Martian Institute of Science

New Building: Science Institute - Generates research faster than a Research Lab. Research cost: 7 000 points.

Home collective

Residential building upgrade (Home collective) - Increases comfort of the building by 10. Research cost: 7 000 points.

Behavioral Shaping

New spire building: Sanatorium - treats colonists to remove flaws. Research cost: 10 000 points.

Martian festivals

Decorations have increased comfort. Research cost: 10 000 points.

Martianborn resilience

Martianborn does not suffer sanity damage when working in out-dome buildings. Research cost: 15 000 points.

Martian copyrights

License Martian copyrights for use back on Earth. Earn $2000 M funding. This tech is repeatable and can be researched multiple times. Research cost: 15 000 points.

Behavioral Melding

Sanatorium upgrade (Behavioral Melding) - replaces removed flaws with random perks. Research cost: 20 000 points.

Martian strength

Martianborn do not take sanity damage from natural disasters. Research cost: 20 000 points.

Dream reality

Wonder: Project Morpheus - Stimulates the development of new perks in adult colonists throughout the entire colony. Research cost: 20 000 points.




Advanced drone drive

Drones move 50% faster. Research cost: 2 000 points.

Core water

Discovers immensely rich underground water deposits. Research cost: 2 000 points.

Rapid sleep

Colonists need to sleep for only 1 hour and regain extra sanity while sleeping. Research cost: 3 000 points.

Giant crops

Unlocks giant crops with an increased food production. Research cost: 3 000 points.

Extractor AI

Metals and Rare metals extractors can work without crew at 50 performance. Research cost: 4 000 points.

Construction nanites

Buildings construct themselves slowly without drones. Nanites will seek out resources from nearby resource depots. Research cost: 4 000 points.

Alien imprints

Uncovers new anomalies - Alien artifacts - which provide a boost to all research when scanned. Research cost: 6 000 points.

Martianborn ingenuity

Martianborn gain 10 performance. Research cost: 6 000 points.

Vector pump

Moisture Vaporator upgrade (Vector Pump) - water production increases by 100%. Research cost: 9 000 points.

Hypersensitive photovoltaics

Solar panels and Large Solar panels. Power production increases by 100%. Research cost: 9 000 points.

Artificial muscles

Drones carry two resources at the same time. Research cost: 14 000 points.

Plasma rocket

Reduces rocket travel time to and from Earth  by 50%. Research cost: 14 000 points.

Vocation-oriented society

Colonists reduce a bonus of 10 to performance ad work, when all the parameters are in green. Research cost: 20 000 points.

Autonomous hubs

Drone hubs no longer require power or maintenance. Research cost: 2 000 points.


All extractors continue to extract small amounts when their deposit is depleted. Research cost: 2 000 points.

Eternal fusion

Fusion reactor upgrade (Eternal Fusion) - Fusion reactors no longer require workers and operate at 150 performance. Research cost: 3 000 points.

Zero-space computing

Research lab and Science institute upgrade (Zero-Space Computing) - Increases the pool of available research points. Research cost: 3 000 points.

Dome streamlining

Basic resources dome cost reduced by 50%. Research cost: 4 000 points.

Martian steel

Lowers metals costs for building construction by 25%. Research cost: 6 000 points.

Superior cables

Instant and free power cable construction. Power cables do not suffer from power faults. Research cost: 6 000 points.

Magnetic extraction

Extractor upgrade - increases production by 50%. Research cost: 9 000 points.

Inspiring architecture

Colonists in domes with a spire have increased morale. Research cost: 9 000 points.

Hive mind

Arcology inhabitants receive a bonus to performance on the basis of number of perks and specialties of colonists inhabiting arcology. Research cost: 14 000 points.

Soylent green

Bodies of dead Colonists are converted to food. Research cost: 14 000 points.

Frictionless composites

Wind turbines power production increases by 100%. Research cost: 20 000 points.

Superior pipes

Instant and free pipe construction. Newly-built pipes do not leak. Research cost: 20 000 points.

Surviving Mars

March 15, 2018

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