Escape from Butcher Bay - Mainframe - part 1 | Escape from Butcher Bay
You'll start this level standing on an upper balcony. Thankfully the surrounding area isn't guarded by any additional enemies. Keep heading forward until you reach a wall. Turn left and jump over the railing [#52]. Make sure to land on the crates and not on the ground, so you won't lose any health units. If you're lucky you'll also slow down your descent by hitting a few smaller bumps along the way.
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As you've probably noticed, this room is being guarded by one of the scientists. You won't have to make any additional preparations, because he won't be hard to kill and you won't be allowed to surprise him. Land somewhere near the scientist and use your blade to get rid of him quickly [#53]. Prevent your character from losing health points here, because you'll need as many of them as possible to win some of the upcoming fights.
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Ignore the weapon that was being used by the scientist, because the screwdriver is far worse than your current equipment. Approach the central computer [#54] and use it to upload Riddick's DNA into the system. This means you'll now be allowed to use weapons. Turn right and take an assault rifle from the ground. Get ready to defeat the first group of enemy units.
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Wait for the door to your left to open. Two guards will arrive in this area. You could try hiding behind a crate and surprising one of your enemies [#55], however you would have to eliminate him almost immediately. Otherwise the guard would retreat to the door, making it impossible to kill him from cover. Either way you must kill both guards.
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Approach the newly unlocked passageway and be ready to take out two additional guards. The easiest way to get rid of them is to fire at explosive objects located behind them [#56]. If they don't die right away, you must be ready to fight them in this room, because they'll eventually try storming it. Use long but controlled bursts, however prevent your assault rifle from running out of ammunition.
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Make sure that all enemy guards have been killed and proceed towards a dark corridor. I would recommend using a flashlight here. Approach the corner carefully and wait for one of the guards to throw a grenade at you. Move back quickly and wait for an explosion to occur. Go back to the exact same spot and locate a NanoMED station on the wall [#57]. Memorize its location, because you may need to return here later on.
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Inspect the area to the right of the health station. There's a lot of debris here and you can get rid of it by pressing the action key repeatedly. Enter the new area CAREFULLY and locate a guard with a shotgun. He should appear directly in front of you [#58]. Use the flashlight here, even it if means catching his attention. The main reason is that you'll want to find him as soon as possible.
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