Thunder Lotus Games

Thunder Lotus Games is a developer and publisher.

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Thunder Lotus Games is a developer of video games. Thunder Lotus Games has been active on the market since before 2015. One of its first projects was game Jotun. Company usually publishes its games on its own. The developer's most recent work is 33 Immortals; company is releasing this game in-house. The developer's most recent work is 33 Immortals; company is releasing this game in-house. Production release will occur in the near future; exact date not yet known.

Most Popular Games Developed by Thunder Lotus Games


Adventure - August 18, 2020

PC / Windows PlayStation 2 Xbox Game Boy Advance GameCube


Action - July 28, 2017

PC / Windows PlayStation 2 Xbox GameCube

Jotun: Valhalla Edition

Action - September 29, 2015

PC / Windows PlayStation 2 Xbox GameCube
Jotun: Valhalla Edition

33 Immortals

Action - 2025

PC / Windows Xbox
33 Immortals

Games in Development

List of all games in development by Thunder Lotus Games.

33 Immortals - 2025 - PC, XSX

Developed Games

List of all released games developed by Thunder Lotus Games.

Spiritfarer - August 18, 2020 - PC, PS4, XONE, Switch, AND, iOS

Sundered - July 28, 2017 - PC, PS4, XONE, Switch

Jotun: Valhalla Edition - September 29, 2015 - PC, PS4, XONE, WiiU, Switch

Upcoming Games

List of all upcoming games that will be published by Thunder Lotus Games.

33 Immortals - 2025 - PC, XSX

Released Games

List of all released games published by Thunder Lotus Games.

Spiritfarer - August 18, 2020 - PC, PS4, XONE, Switch, AND, iOS

Sundered - July 28, 2017 - PC, PS4, XONE, Switch

Jotun: Valhalla Edition - September 29, 2015 - PC, PS4, XONE, WiiU, Switch

Thunder Lotus Games News

Genesis Noir Rakes in Nominations at Independent Games Festival

Genesis Noir Rakes in Nominations at Independent Games Festival

The list of nominations for the Independent Games Festival awards has been published. The leader is Genesis Noir, which will compete for the award in four categories.

video games

Adrian Werner

May 10, 2021

Genesis Noir Rakes in Nominations at Independent Games Festival