Achievements and trophies in Darksiders Genesis
On this page you will find a trophy guide for Darksiders Genesis. It collects all available achievements and advices you what to do to unlock them. Achievements are unlocked by, for example, fighting bosses, collecting coins and beating the game on various difficulty levels. With our advice, you will obtain 100% achievements and you will unlock the platinum trophy on PS4.
Important information about Darksiders Genesis trophies
- In Darksiders 3, there are 31 trophies to unlock - 1 platinum trophy (only in PlayStation 4 version), 6 gold trophies, 10 silver trophies, and 14 bronze trophies.
- You can unlock trophies and achievements on PC, PS4, and XOne. In the PC version of the game, the achievements are available only on Steam. At the time when this guide was created, the Epic Games Store wasn't supporting achievements. You can't obtain achievements in the Nintendo Switch version of the game.
- In order to obtain the platinum trophy, you must complete the game at least twice. This happens because the highest difficulty level, Apocalyptic, becomes available once you complete the game on any of the lower difficulties.
- Some trophies can be missed by, for example, not performing a specific action in a specific location. We recommend you read descriptions of all trophies and their walkthroughs that also include hyperlinks to other chapters of our guide. If you don't want to miss anything important, you should complete all available side missions - they are related to the trophy Garden of Forking Paths. Another important action you should perform during the whole game is opening the Trickster Doors. In order to unlock the secret boss battle, you must open them all.
- Obtaining all achievements will take about 30 hours of playing the game. Beating the campaign on one of the default difficulty levels should take you about 12-15 hours. The optional content provides a few additional hours. Beating the game again on the highest difficulty level, Apocalyptic, might force you to repeat some of the harder battles. However, you will no longer have to deal with the optional content of the campaign.
- Not Alone
- Mammon
- Belial
- Astarte
- Dagon
- Moloch
- Are You Not Entertained?
- Full of Hell
- The Promised End
- Master of Strife
- Master of War
- A Bullet for All Seasons
- Walking Armory
- Collector
- Mint I
- Mint II
- Mint III
- Soul Cache
- Hell's Forge
- Close the Rift
- Respect for Animals
- The Dead Court
- Why'd It Have to Be Snakes?
- Good Deeds
- Infested
- Ready to Blow
- Demolition Derby
- Blademaster
- Garden of Forking Paths
- Gatekeeper
- Wicked Killington
Not Alone
Trophy type: Platinum
How to unlock: Earn all trophies.
Commentary: This trophy can be unlocked only on PlayStation 4. It isn't available in the PC and XONE versions of the game.

Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Defeat Mammon, Lord of Hell.
Commentary: Mammon is a boss you fight in a large battle in chapter 6 of the campaign. Walkthrough for the fight with Mammon can be found in the Bosses and mini-bosses chapter of our guide. In this chapter, you will learn about the boss' attacks, how to react to them, how to weaken the enemy, and how to defeat him.

Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Defeat Belial, Lord of Hell.
Commentary: Belial is a boss you must defeat during a large battle in chapter 9 of the campaign. The walkthrough for the battle with Belial can be found in the Bosses and mini-bosses chapter of our guide. There, you will find information about the types of attacks used by the boss, how to avoid receiving damage, how to deplenish Belial's health bar, and how to kill him.

Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Defeat Astarte, Fallen Angel.
Commentary: Astarte is a boss you encounter in chapter 10 of the campaign. The walkthrough for the battle with Astarte can be found in Bosses and mini-bosses chapter of our guide. By reading this chapter, you will learn about attacks the boss can use, how to avoid damage, how to weaken him, and how to kill him.

Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Defeat Dagon, Lord of Hell.
Commentary: Dagon is a boss you must fight in a large battle in chapter 13 of the campaign. A walkthrough for the battle with Dagon can be found in the Bosses and mini-bosses chapter of our guide. There, you will find a set of information about Dagon's attacks, how to avoid them, how to weaken the enemy, and how to kill him.

Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Defeat Moloch, Lord of Hell.
Commentary: Moloch is the final boss of Darksiders Genesis. The final confrontation with him takes place in chapter 16 of the campaign. A walkthrough for the battle with Moloch can be found in the Bosses and mini-bosses chapter of our guide. In our walkthrough, you will find thorough description of attacks used by the final boss and information how to avoid them. You will learn, how to weaken the enemy, and how to kill him.
Are You Not Entertained?

Trophy type: Gold
How to unlock: Achieve a score of 70,000 or higher in the arena.
Commentary: Arena is one of the optional activities available in Darksiders Genesis. You can learn more about its principles in one of the pages of the Basics chapter of our guide. It is worth mentioning that you can visit the arena for the first time once you defeat the boss Mammon in the sixth chapter of the campaign. New arenas become available as you progress through the main story of the game. it is best to wait until you unlock them all. In the arena, you must defeat waves of enemies. It is always 9 waves of "regular" enemies and the tenth wave with a boss.
The score related to this trophy can be obtained once you eliminate around 80 waves. This makes this trophy one of the hardest ones in the game. To get it, you must master the combat mechanics and familiarize yourself with all enemies. Once you do that, you should be able to successfully complete a series of a few dozens of waves.
Full of Hell
Trophy type: Gold
How to unlock: Complete all 17 levels on Hard difficulty.
Commentary: Hard is one of the three default difficulty levels. You should select it when you play the game for the first time. This will enable you to train before the second playthrough on Apocalyptic difficulty (more about it in the description of The Promised End trophy below)
Additional note - You don't need to beat the whole game on Hard difficulty during a single approach. You can select the difficulty level at the portal, when you select a level. If a chapter proves to be too difficult for you and you have reduced the difficulty level, you can return to that mission later and repeat it on hard settings.
The Promised End
Trophy type: Gold
How to unlock: Complete all 17 levels on Apocalyptic difficulty.
Commentary: This is the hardest and most time-consuming trophy in the game. Apocalyptic difficulty level isn't available at first. In order to unlock it, you must first beat the game on any other difficulty level. We recommend that you select Hard difficulty, as it will enable you to obtain the Full of Hell trophy, to familiarize yourself very well with combat mechanics and methods of eliminating main monsters.
The battles (especially the ones with bosses) are much harder when you play them on Apocalyptic difficulty level. We recommend checking the Combat system page and the Bosses and mini-bosses chapter in our guide. There, you can find many pieces of useful advice. Remember that you don't need to complete all optional activities when you're playing the game for the second time. You can focus mostly on beating the main story and completing all levels.
Master of Strife

Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Learn all 3 of Strife's Wrath abilities.
Commentary: This trophy is related to Strife, one of two main playable characters in the game. Strife's skills you must learn are:
- Shadow Clone - available since the beginning of the game.
- Caltrops - You must find a chest with this skill during the third level of the game.
- World Ender - you must find a chest with this skill during the fifth level of the game.
Try to thoroughly explore the locations in levels 3 and 5 so that you won't miss the chests with the above-mentioned treasures.
Master of War

Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Learn all 3 of War's Wrath abilities.
Commentary: This trophy is related to War, one of two main playable characters available in the game. War's skills you must learn:
- Volcano of Blades - it is available from the very beginning of the game.
- Stone Skin - you must find a chest with this skill during the fifth chapter of the game.
- Rampage - you must find a chest with this skill during the eighth chapter of the game.
Try to thoroughly explore locations in levels 5 and 8 so that you don't miss any of the above-mentioned chests with treasures.
A Bullet for All Seasons
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Find all 5 of Strife's elemental ammo types.
Commentary: This trophy is related to Strife, one of two main playable characters in the game. When you start the game, you only have regular ammunition. As you progress through the campaign, you can gain new types of Elemental Ammo:
- Gravity shot - can be bought from Vulgrim's shop.
- Static shot - can be bought from Vulgrim's shop.
- Charge shot - can be found in a chest during the first chapter of the game.
- Beam shot - can be found in a chest during the second chapter of the game.
- Volcano shot - can be found in a chest during the fifth chapter of the game.
- Nature shot - can be found in a chest during the twelfth chapter of the game.
Try to thoroughly explore the locations in chapters 1, 2, 5, and 12 so that you don't miss chests with the above-mentioned unique treeasures.
Walking Armory
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Find all 5 of War's elemental enhancements.
Commentary: This trophy is related to War, one of two main playable characters available in the game. You can get new Elemental Enhancements while progressing through the campaign:
- Thunderclap - can be bought from Vulgrim.
- Vampiric - can be bought from Vulgrim.
- Earthsplitter - can be found in a chest during the first level of the game.
- Flamebrand - can be found in a chest during the fourth chapter of the game.
- Deathtouch - can be found in a chest during the seventh chapter of the game.
- Vortex - can be found in a chest during the eleventh chapter of the game.
Thoroughly explore the areas in levels 1, 4, 7, and 11 so that you don't miss the chests with the above-mentioned unique treasures.

Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Collect every type of creature core.
Commentary: Creature Cores are unique form of loot that can be dropped from the body of each fallen enemy. You can find much more information about the Creature Cores in one of the pages of the Heroes development and combat chapter of our guide.
In order to get this trophy, you must "only" obtain one core from each monster type. You don't need to get the same cores many times. This means that you must defeat each enemy type available in the game at least once and each time you must collect the loot it has dropped.

A few additional notes:
- In total, there are 67 various types of cores to obtain.
- Cores are dropped not only by regular enemies, but by bosses and mini-bosses as well.
- Some unique types of monsters appear only during the side missions described in separate chapter of this guide. While playing the game, you should try completing all missions and exploring all optional locations.
Mint I
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Collect 50 Boatman Coins.
Commentary: Read the description of the Mint III trophy. This achievement is its easier version.
Mint II
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Collect 200 Boatman Coins.
Commentary: Read the description of the Mint III trophy. This achievement is its easier version.
Mint III

Trophy type: Gold
How to unlock: Collect all Boatman Coins.
Commentary: Batman's Coins are one of the types of loot/rewards available in the game. In order to unlock this trophy, you must collect 350 coins. There are three main ways to get coins:
- Exploration of an area - try exploring each location in 100% and help yourself with map markings that show you, for example, chests that can be searched.
- Win arena battles - coins are one of the rewards given for defeating enemy waves.
- Complete side missions coins are one of the rewards given for completing side quests.
Soul Cache
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Destroy all 4 Soul Caches in The Slag Pit.
Commentary: This is one of the easiest achievements in the game. Soul Caches are large, levitating blue spheres that can be broken. You reach The Slag Pit in the second level of the game. Thoroughly explore the area and, if needed, help yourself with the map to find and destroy all flying spheres.
Hell's Forge
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Gather all the ingots in the Inferno Vault and take them to Hell's Forge.
Commentary: You visit the Inferno Vault in the third level of the game. Once you're there, you can focus on finding the ingots. In order to obtain all four ingots, you must very thoroughly search the whole area.
Once you gathered all four of them, go to Hell's Forge. The map will help you find it - it is located near the Furnace. Interact with the forge and you will get the trophy and unique creature core.
Close the Rift
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Close the rift leaking void creatures in Icebind Cavern.
Commentary: You will explore Icebind Cavern during the fourth chapter of the game. Luckily, obtaining this achievement isn't very complicated. Search the cave complex until you reach the area with the Rift. You must kill all Void Creatures that will get through the rift. You will obtain the trophy once you win the battle. You don't need to close the rift in any "manual" way.
Respect for Animals
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Defeat less than 5 hounds before killing the Houndmaster in The Horde.
Commentary: The Horde is a location visited during the fifth chapter of the campaign. Unfortunately, this one is a hard trophy. To get it, you must deal with the Houndmaster without killing too many of the Hounds that are guarding him. While on the way to Houndmaster's lair, you should try avoiding any lesser monsters by running by them or jumping over them. Once the main battle starts, you should only attack the Houndmaster.
If this achievement causes you trouble, try playing this level on low difficulty level. In that case, the Houndmaster will be less resistant and the attacks of regular hounds won't be as lethal towards your character.
The Dead Court
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Defeat the Dread Lord's subjects in Decay.
Commentary: You can collect this trophy during the seventh chapter of the game in which you visit a location called Decay. Dread Lord's subjects are marked on the area map. Each of these enemies is a mini-boss you must deal with. Make sure you don't complete the seventh level too early as in that case you won't get the trophy.
Why'd It Have to Be Snakes?
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Defeat every snake in Decay.
Commentary: This is another trophy that can be obtained during the seventh level of the campaign - Decay. You must focus on finding and eliminating snakes. There are seven monsters to kill.
What's important is that each snake you find will start running away instead of trying to bite you. You must kill the monster before it manages to leave the level - it won't appear on it again. Aggressively attack the snakes. If you make a mistake and a snake escapes, the only solution is to repeat the whole level.
Good Deeds
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Save the uncorrupted angels in Bastion's Fall.
Commentary: Bastion's Fall is a location visited during the eleventh chapter of the campaign. You will receive this task after the conversation with Abaddon. Your task is to defeat the hostile fallen angels and protecting the friendly angels from dying. During the battle, keep an eye on your allies and help them whenever they are in danger. If one of the allied angels die, the only thing you can do to get the trophy is restart the level.
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Defeat the grub queen in The Maelstrom.
Commentary: The Maelstrom is a location that you visit during the twelfth chapter of the game. You can't face the queen immediately, first you must destroy the grubs. You must find and destroy 3 nests. Once you get rid of them, the Grub Queen will appear. She is a mini-boss. Get rid of her and her "bodyguards".
Ready to Blow
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Destroy all 12 of Moloch's supply caches in War Machine.
Commentary: War Machine is the title of the fourteenth chapter of the campaign. During this chapter, you should focus on destroying all interactive objects in your surroundings. By doing so, you will ensure that you destroy all twelve supply caches and other structures related to the Demolition Derby achievement described below.
Demolition Derby
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Destroy 10 structures in War Machine.
Commentary: War Machine is the title of the fourteenth chapter of the campaign. During this chapter, you should focus on destroying all interactive objects in your surroundings. By doing so, you will ensure that you destroy all ten structures and supply caches related to the Ready to Blow achievement.

Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Defeat Moloch without taking damage.
Commentary: Moloch is the final boss of the campaign and the walkthrough for the confrontation with this enemy can be found in the Bosses and mini-bosses chapter of our guide. There, you will find, among other things, information about attacks of the boss and how to weaken him. Here are a few additional pieces of advice that will make earning this trophy easier:
- Play the battle with Moloch on low difficulty level.
- Avoid setting yourself in the edge of the arena. If possible, remain in the central part of the arena.
- Jump to avoid enemy's attacks with area of effect.
- Don't stop next to the exploding stones.
If you make a mistake and receive damage (not necessarily directly from Moloch), stop the game and start the level from the beginning.
Garden of Forking Paths

Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Collect every Boatman Coin in the Boatman's Labyrinth.
Commentary: To get this trophy, you must complete eleven different side quests. They can be completed as you progress through the campaign. Each of them is awarded with one Boatman Coin. Here is a list of required quests:
- In level 1, you must destroy two ballistas.
- In level 2, you must destroy 5 Soul Orbs.
- In level 3, you must collect 4 ingots and reach with them to the Hell's Forge
- In level 4, you must close the rift with void creatures.
- In level 5, you must kill the Houndmaster.
- In level 7, you must kill Dread Lord's Subjects.
- In level 8, you must turn five valves and examine the contaminated water tank.
- In level 11, you must save the uncorrupted angels.
- In level 12, you must kill the Grub Queen.
- In level 14, you must destroy 3 drills.
- In level 15, you must destroy 10 structures.
- In level 15, you must destroy 12 supply caches.
You can find more information about side missions in the Basics chapter of our guide.

Trophy type: Gold
How to unlock: Unlock every Trickster Door.
Commentary: Trickster Doors are unique objects that can be found in the game. You will encounter the first door in the first level of the campaign. They will allow you to obtain a very useful weapon, Vorpal Blade. We described opening the first Trickster Door in the Puzzles chapter of our guide.
In order to open the next Trickster Doors, you will always need the Vorpal Blade and Trickster Keys. The keys can be found in the game world or bought from Vulgrim. Find and open Trickster Doors as you progress through the campaign and you will get this trophy.
Wicked Killington
Trophy type: Gold
How to unlock: Face the Trickster himself, Wicked Killington.
Commentary: This achievement is directly related to the above-mentioned trophy Gatekeeper. To get it, first you must open all Trickster Doors. Once you manage to do that, a passage to the arena with Wicked Killington will open near Vulgrim's shop. Defeat this bonus boss and you will obtain the trophy.
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